Benchmark results comparing 5G communication speed by country released

Mobile analytics company
Benchmarking the global 5G user experience | Opensignal
Opensignal developed its own line measurement tool 'Download Speed Experience-5G Users' to measure 5G network speed, measured download (downlink) speed in 5G network, and calculated the average speed by country. The countries that provide high-quality 5G networks by country and the countries that achieve truly high-speed mobile communication compared to the average download speed of 4G networks are revealed.
The graph below shows the average download speed for both 5G and 4G in countries that have already started 5G services. Saudi Arabia (144.5 Mbps) provides the fastest communication service, Canada (90.4 Mbps), South Korea (75.6 Mbps), Taiwan (71.5 Mbps), Netherlands (68.9 Mbps), Switzerland (56.4 Mbps), Australia (48.7Mbps), Hong Kong (48.2Mbps), Germany (44.7Mbps), Kuwait (43.6Mbps), USA (33.4Mbps), UK (32.6Mbps), and so on. The reason that the communication speed is not faster than you imagined is that it is an average value including the communication speed of 4G. South Korea has the highest 5G adoption rate.

Furthermore, the graph below compares the average download speed of 5G and the average download speed of 4G by country. The country with the highest average download speed of 5G alone is Saudi Arabia (414.2 Mbps), followed by South Korea (312.7 Mbps). Only the United States (50.9 Mbps) and the Netherlands (79.2 Mbps) have an average download speed of less than 100 Mbps at 5G.

The graph below shows the availability of 5G and 4G by country. 5G is a service that started in 2019, and in some countries it is unavoidable that the availability is low because the service has just started in some countries. 5G availability exceeds 20% only in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Hong Kong and South Korea, and only in these countries and regions can 5G networks be used in more than one-fifth of the time of mobile communication. It has become.

In Japan, au and Softbank are considering converting the 4G frequency band to 5G, and NTT Docomo said, ``Because the frequency width does not change, the speed is the same as 4G and communication of 4G users. that there is a possibility that the speed is reduced, ' he pointed out to,' Nanchatte 5G has been concerned about the potential to be a '.
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in Mobile, Posted by logu_ii