What is the actual situation of 'Speak Easy Gym' where people who have become Jim refugees secretly gather with the new coronavirus?

Due to the spread of new coronavirus infection, many sports gyms have to be closed in some countries, but `` Speak Easy Gym '' that secretly operates illegally as if it is closed is appearing American economic information The website,
Secret Gyms And The Economics Of Prohibition :Planet Money :NPR
According to Planet Money, 'SpeakEasy Gym', named after SpeakEasy , an alcohol trafficking shop in the era when the Prohibition Law was enforced in the United States, appears to have appeared throughout the United States. In fact, on the electronic bulletin board Reddit , the question 'Who knows Speakeasy Jim?' is posted.

According to a Planet Money survey, Speakeasy gyms are mainly small, privately-owned gyms, and a large number of people who are unable to attend gyms that are out of business are rushing to Speakeasy gyms. That. Planet Money interviews Christina, who can continue to work in the gym in Arizona after the new coronavirus shuts down the gym, at Speakeasy Gym.
About two weeks after all the gyms in Arizona were closed in April 2020, Christina wrote from his gym owner, 'I want you to come because I'm still in the gym.' I received your mail.
Christina knew Jim was ignoring national orders and was considering buying a fitness machine for his home, but he said it was sold out due to too high a price or soaring demand. I couldn't get into. 'Going to the gym is one of the few ways I can stay sane,' said Christina, 'because I'm healthy in my mid-30s and don't interact with people at high risk of infection' I decided to go to the gym.
The gym that Mr. Christina was attending was a small gym with a size of 'one-room apartment', and it seems that less than 10 people were always training before the spread of the new coronavirus infection. However, when Jim secretly resumed business, more than twice as many people as before had been rushing to Jim. 'They used to use their training machines and even took selfies in the mirror. No one adhered to social distances and even wore masks. And someone who disinfects training machines after use. I didn't,' said Christina.

Regarding the advent of Speakeasy Jim, Harvard economist Jeffrey Myron said, 'where the government has banned, it is very difficult to ban enthusiastic buyers and sellers. It can be said that the decree does not eliminate things, but drives them underground.'
Also, according to Myron, the appearance of Speakeasy Gym is 'a typical, unintentional example of unintended consequences that was also in the Prohibition era' and 'when the market is pushed underground, quality control tends to decline. There is.” In other words, this means that gyms under the epidemic of a new coronavirus infection may create a fitness environment in which the virus can easily spread.
Some of Speakeasy Gyms charge members high fees, and rising prices are one of the unintended consequences of the Prohibition era, Myron points out. ``Conflicts tend to be settled violently because people involved in the illegal market cannot sue each other in court,'' Myron said, raising prices could lead to side effects such as violence and corruption. I guess there is.
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