Pointed out that Facebook is actively promoting 'holocaust denial'

Facebook says it's working on hate speech, but it 's also true that it's been criticized in civil rights audit reports . There are many people on SNS who deny some or all of the Holocaust , which is the Jewish massacre by Nazi Germany, but in a new survey, Facebook's algorithm has a move to recommend the Holocaust denial. Was shown.
Facebook algorithm found to'actively promote' Holocaust denial | World news | The Guardian
There are a certain number of ' Holocaust denialists, ' and today it is considered a type of hate speech. A study by the think tank Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) found that Facebook's algorithms are in the process of recommending this Holocaust denial. As a specific example, when you search for 'Holocaust' on Facebook search, it may be suggested that there is a page with a link to the page of a publisher selling books such as Mr. David Irving known as a Holocaust denialist. ..

Facebook announced on August 11, 2020 that it would ban posts on Facebook and Instagram that promote anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, such as 'Jews dominate the world.' Nonetheless, Holocaust denial was still spotted on Facebook, and more than 36 Facebook groups dealing with Holocaust denial content were discovered, with a total of more than 360,000 followers in those groups. Researchers have also confirmed that when they follow Facebook pages that contain Holocaust-denied content, pages with similar content are recommended.
In addition, it is possible to easily access such Holocaust disapproved content on Twitter / Reddit / YouTube. It has been confirmed that there are 2,300 words on the Reddit, 19,000 on Twitter, and 9,500 on YouTube for the word ' holohoax ', which means that the Holocaust is made up. On the other hand, YouTube has a policy to remove content and channels by supremeists regarding certain thoughts and attributes in 2019, and it is also known that this has drastically reduced the reference to holohoax.
YouTube deletes more than 100,000 videos and 17,000 channels in 3 months to prevent hate speech-GIGAZINE

“Our findings show that the actions taken by the platform can effectively reduce the amount and visibility of anti- Semitist content ,” said Jakob Guhl , research coordinator at ISD. Have to ask themselves, 'why do I want to be a platform?' whether they allow or oppose the Holocaust denial.' However, some of the contents are not detected, such as using encryption and being careful about words, so this analysis can not be said to reflect all.
In response, a Facebook spokeswoman said, 'We are removing posts that praise, defend or justify the Holocaust. Posts that mock victims of the Holocaust, call them liars, or target hate, The same is true for posts that encourage violence against Jews.' 'We also exclude pages and groups discussing Holocaust denials from our recommendations and search prediction references. We are withdrawing content. That's not because it's simply a lie, but because the Holocaust denial post violates Hate Speech's policy,' he explained.
A Facebook spokesman also pointed out that the denial of the Holocaust in Germany, France, and Poland itself is prohibited by law, with the balance between allowing freedom of speech and keeping people safe. Emphasized the difficulty of taking.
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