'COVID Knights' to fight the new Corona is formed in Sweden, the mission is to straddle horses and walk around tourist destinations to call for corona prevention


Riddarsällskapet Torneamentum

Sweden seeks coexistence with COVID-19 without lockdown, despite the number of newborn coronavirus infectious diseases (COVID-19) infections and deaths in the population being far higher than in neighboring countries We are continuing our original COVID-19 measures . It is reported that Gotland, which is such a tourist attraction in Sweden, is taking an unusual approach to achieve both tourism promotion and COVID-19 measures.

Gotland kallar in ”Covidriddarna” för att hjälpa till att minska risken för smittspridning-Region Gotland

Swedish island hires'COVID knights' to help tourists maintain physical distancing | CTV News

Sweden's Coronavirus Knights Battle COVID-19 at Gotland Tourist Mecca | Ancient Origins

Known as a model for the stage of the movie ' Kiki's Delivery Service ', Gotland Island in Sweden is a scenic place where the remains of the Vikings and the castle ruins of the times when the knights were active in the rich nature, especially as a summer tourist destination It's popular.

However, even though the violence of COVID-19 has begun to settle down, tourists are taking precautionary measures against tourism in Sweden where the

death toll at COVID-19 per 100,000 population is 10 times that of neighboring Norway. Some say that they are worried about me.

Therefore, the government of Gotland, a municipality of Gotland, on July 17, 2020, with the cooperation of Torneamentum , an organization that sponsors joust competitions held in the area, ``Covidriddarna (COVID Knight) Group)' has been announced.

According to the announcement, the main mission of the Knights of COVID is to visit the city of Visby and the beach on the island of Gotland and call for measures against infectious diseases from the horse. Also, during patrols, it seems that they will put up a flag with a message such as 'Keep distance', 'Let's stay at home when there is a symptom', 'Let's wash hands diligently'.

When you play the movie below, you can see how the Knights of COVID are actually welcoming tourists visiting Gotland.

A knight, dressed in a medieval chain, holds a green flag across his horse.

On the green flag of the knights, the message 'Tillsammans tar vi ans var' is written. This is a slogan issued by the Gotland government to unite the operators and citizens of Gotland to tackle COVID-19 measures, and in Swedish it means 'we are together'.

In a population of about 6 million people of Gotland, the cumulative infection who number 267 people COVID-19 at the time of the August 6, six people dead and he has damage , but the effect of the most COVID-19 is in Sweden Is one of the few areas. However, experts are concerned that if tourists do not cooperate with COVID-19 measures, there is a risk that the island's medical system will collapse.

“It's great to have the Knights help,” says Sven Montelius, a public health doctor on the Gotland Island. Will help us remember those messages that are often forgotten.'

Also, Knight of Torneamentum, Lennart Borg said, 'We are delighted and proud to have been called to such an important and prestigious mission. It is natural for us knights to stand up in times of need. We were looking forward to undertaking such a mission.'

in Note, Posted by log1l_ks