Google Starts Testing Developer Tools To Abolish Third-Party Cookies

Google Chrome uses third-party cookies for ad delivery, but Google has begun testing alternative ad delivery mechanisms to eliminate third-party cookies that invade users' privacy.
Updates on our work to improve user privacy in digital advertising
Google starts testing its replacement for third-party cookies | Engadget
' Behavioral targeting ads ' that target advertisements based on user's personal information have been used by Google and Facebook because their success rate as an advertisement is very high, but at the same time 'I sacrifice personal information 'The violation of privacy' has been pointed out as a problem.
For this reason, there has been a move to abolish targeted advertising in recent years, and there have been reports of cases where profits have increased, contrary to the conventional belief that if targeted advertising is discontinued, profits will fall.
There is a possibility that the profit on the website side will increase by stopping targeting advertisement-GIGAZINE

In January 2020, Google announced in January 2020 to abolish support for third-party cookies used for targeting advertisements for its in-house developed web browser ' Chrome '.
Chrome will remove support for third-party cookies within two years-GIGAZINE

And now, Google has begun testing 'trust tokens' to get rid of third-party cookies from Chrome.
The trust token devised by Google is one of the mechanism of advertisement distribution, it works like Google's CAPTCHA together with 'trust API', and determines whether the user on the web is a real human or a robot instead of cookies. I will.
In 2019, Google is advocating a new initiative ``Privacy Sandbox'' that supports a free and open ecosystem while improving the protection of users' privacy but not impairing the relevance of advertisements, trust The token is one of them. Theoretically, the use of trust tokens can eliminate bot-based fraudulent ads without connecting the data to the individual.
If this approach meets the needs of users, publishers, and advertisers, Google will begin phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome.
In addition, Google has released an alpha version of a Chrome extension called 'Ads Transparency Spotlight' to increase the visibility of the data used for targeted ads. With this extension, users can see the number of ads on the page, the list of ad providers that serve ads, the reasons why ads are displayed on the page (user attributes, user location, user interests, etc.). It will be so.
Ads Transparency Spotlight (Alpha)-Chrome Web Store

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