Possibility that Samsung will take the share of the 5G network market on behalf of Huawei

Huawei, a Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturer that sells telecommunications equipment compatible with

5G networks , is being rejected by the United States and the United Kingdom as the US-China trade friction intensifies. Meanwhile, South Korean company Samsung is actively selling 5G-compatible products to increase market share, the American economic magazine Wall Street Journal (WSJ) points out.

Samsung Primed for 5G Foray as US, China Brawl Over Huawei-WSJ

Samsung Could Reap The Benefits Of A World Divided On 5G Equipment

According to market research firm Dell'Oro Group, Huawei has the largest market share in the 5G network-compatible telecommunications equipment market worldwide, Ericsson has the second largest, Nokia the third, and Samsung the fourth.

The United States strongly accused Huawei, a major Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturer, of 'has a backdoor on Huawei products under the direction of the Communist Party of China, which poses a risk in information and communication,' and added various sanctions. I will. The UK, which is actively developing 5G networks, also announced in July 2020 that it will remove Huawei products from 5G networks by 2027.

British government officially announces ``policy to completely remove Huawei products from 5G communication network by 2027''-GIGAZINE

If the EU also bans the use of Huawei, Huawei's share will drop significantly. The Chinese government is exerting pressure on the EU to remove American company Ericsson and Finnish company Nokia from the Chinese market as retaliation for Huawei exclusion, and if the EU will put out a policy to exclude Huawei, Ericsson and Nokia Market share is also expected to drop significantly.

China pressures EU to retaliate against Nokia and Ericsson if Huawei is removed from 5G communication network-GIGAZINE

In that case, WSJ believes that South Korean company Samsung is likely to hold a large share of the market in the form of 'fisherman's profit.' Samsung's market share is around 14%, according to Dell'Oro Group, but industry analysts say, 'Sales of Samsung's 5G enabled devices could increase in the coming months.'

In fact, Samsung's head of global sales, Kim U-Joon, told the British Parliament Commission that 'there is no political intent,' and said, 'If there is an opportunity, Samsung will We will definitely be able to build a 5G network in the UK,” said in July 2020.

Industry analysts also point out that Samsung has signed four new contracts for 5G-enabled devices within the last eight months, including Canada and New Zealand, and Samsung is steadily expanding its share of the 5G-enabled device market. I'm aiming.

Samsung (PDF file) announced its vision for 6G on July 14, 2020, and after strengthening its marketing efforts for 5G-compatible products, it will also look into the future 6G network. I am appealing that I put it in.

Samsung says, '5G is still in its infancy, but it will take about 10 years from the start of research to the commercialization of a new generation of communications technology, so it's never too early to start preparing for 6G.' “We have already begun research and development of 6G technology based on our experience and ability to work with multiple generations of communication technology, including 5G. We will continue to develop various fields in industry, academia and government. in cooperation with Do stakeholders, will continue to lead the standardization of 6G, 'said the declaration was.

in Note,   Mobile, Posted by log1i_yk