Dogs may be looking for short cuts using the Earth's magnetic field

Dogs are considered to have some ability to move without getting lost, as is rarely the case when a dog that has fallen off its owner came home by itself. Regarding this ability, the theory that 'dogs are moving following odors' was the mainstream so far, but a theory that a new way is detected by sensing the 'magnetic field of the earth' was announced. ..

Magnetic alignment enhances homing efficiency of hunting dogs | eLife

Dogs may use Earth's magnetic field to take shortcuts | Science | AAAS

Dogs can navigate using the Earth's magnetic field

It may be thought that this ability to sense the earth's magnetic field is a unique ability, but it is known that animals such as migratory birds and loggerhead turtles use the earth's magnetic field to determine directions and places. As for humankind, the theory that 'the magnetic field of the earth can be sensed' was announced in 2019.

Researchers discover evidence that ``humans can sense the earth's magnetic field''-GIGAZINE

Also in 2013, the results of the survey that 'dogs can sense magnetism' were announced. In a paper published by the joint research team of the Czech University of Life Sciences and the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, the results of 1893 stools and 5582 urine stools of 70 dogs of 37 species indicate that 'when the magnetic field is quiet, Tends to excrete either towards north or south.' From this result, the research team concludes that 'the dog can sense magnetism'.


Marc Ben Fatma

As mentioned above, the possibility that dogs can sense magnetism has been pointed out so far, but a new study published in June 2020 stated that 'dogs move by sensing the earth's magnetic field. It is useful for'. A research team led by Mr. Kateřina Benediktová of the Czech University of Life Sciences carried out a total of 622 experiments in which 27 hunting dogs of 10 species in total were equipped with GPS sensors and allowed to roam freely in the forest and then return. It was. The Fox Terrier (left side) and the Miniature Dachshund (right side) that actually participated in the experiment are as follows. GPS device and camera are attached to the neck.

The image from the camera looks like this.

Dogs left in the forest walked an average of 400 meters and then returned to the starting point, with a particular tendency for the route back. In 399 of the 622 experiments (59.4%), the dog took the action of 'returning to the way it came', while in 223 (33.2%), the dog returned 'on a path that had never been followed.' I took action. In addition, 50 times (8.0%) took the action of 'returning on the way that came halfway but returning on a path that has never been reached'.

An analysis of the behavior of 'returning on a road that has never been traveled' showed that 170 of 223 times (76.2%) found that 'first move 20 meters along the north-south axis before turning back.' It was. According to the research team, when this behavior was taken, there was a tendency to return to the owner by a more direct route.

In the experiments, forests and places that dogs have never visited were selected each time, and it was said that most of the windless conditions where the smell was useful, the research team said, ``By running along the north-south axis, May have been confirmed.'

On the other hand, in order to prove that the magnetic field of the earth is related to the behavior of the dog, it is necessary to eliminate all other factors such as olfactory and visual senses, so the research team ``senses 100% magnetism It's difficult to design an experiment that can be proven.”

in Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log