Why is the blog post 'GPT-3 has the most destructive potential since Bitcoin' so popular?

The blog post 'OpenAI's GPT-3 may be the biggest since Bitcoin' published by Manuel Araos, former CTO of

OpenZeppelin , which builds tools for developers of distributed systems, has received a lot of attention. is. GPT-3, a language model that can create high-precision text, is certainly a great technology, but the point of this blog post was elsewhere.

OpenAI's GPT-3 may be the biggest thing since bitcoin

At the beginning of the article, 'I will share the contents of an early experiment using OpenAI's new language prediction model (GPT-3). I wonder why GPT-3 has the potential to be as devastating as blockchain technology. I'll explain why you're doing it. '

In the text, it is pointed out that the GPT-3 generation text posted on the bitcointalk.org forum received a positive reaction and may give unexpected fun to various communities in the future. increase.

However, the most notable part of this article is below the line-separated part, after 'Now for the fun part'. Here, Mr. Manuel reveals that the text part of the above article was not written by himself, but by GPT-3.

The information Manuel gave to GPT-3 is as follows. You can see that the information about the site, the subject line of the blog, and the summary were by Manuel, but everything else was proprietary to GPT-3.

Manuel Araoz's Personal Website

I studied Computer Science and Engineering at Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires. I'm located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
My previous work is mostly about cryptocurrencies, distributed systems, machine learning, interactivity, and robotics. One of my goals is to bring new experiences to people through technology.

I cofounded and was formerly CTO at OpenZeppelin. Currently, I'm studying music, biology + neuroscience, machine learning, and physics.


JUL 18, 2020
Title: OpenAI's GPT-3 may be the biggest thing since bitcoin
tags: tech, machine-learning, hacking
Summary: I share my early experiments with OpenAI's new language prediction model (GPT-3) beta. I explain why I think GPT-3 has disruptive potential comparable to that of blockchain technology.
Full text:

Manuel has only slightly modified the format of the text generated by GPT-3, with little modification, and as the title he made in advance, it is one of the biggest technological advances I have seen so far. I felt that it was.

In addition, various other GPT-3 generated statements have been released. For example, the following is the shocking news that 'a herd of unicorns was found in the Andes. The unicorns were able to speak English perfectly.' The content is so natural that there is no discomfort except for the appearance of the unicorn.

unicorn.md · GitHub

In a shocking finding, scientist discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote, previously unexplored valley, in the Andes Mountains. Even more surprising to the researchers was the fact that the unicorns spoke perfect English.

“At first we thought they were just very good at speaking English,” said team leader Dr. Renard Hodges. “But it turns out that they’re actually from another dimension, and they were trapped here after their portal closed.”

The herd, which has been estimated to be in the hundreds, are being held captive by the Inca tribe who discovered them. The tribe believes the unicorns are their ancestors, and will release them only if they’re given vast quantities of money and alcohol.

“We don’t have much choice,” said Hodges. “If we don’t give them what they want, the unicorns will kill us all.”

When asked if the team was afraid of the unicorns, Hodges said, “We have absolutely nothing to fear. Our armor is made from the finest titanium.”

view raw unicorn.md hosted with ❤ by GitHub

There is also text that lets GPT-3 itself explain how GPT-3 works.

gpt3-1.md · GitHub

Hello! I am GPT-3, a AI text-generation neural network by OpenAI!

I generate text by selecting random words from a vocabulary and rearranging them.

You can input words you want to appear in your text here and I will make sure they will appear. Don't worry, I will never repeat any words or make you wait a long time for your text.

The more input words, the better!

view raw gpt3-1.md hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Delian Asparouhov , a director of the venture capital founders fund led by Peter Thiel , shared the idea that the GPT-3 would serve as a human buddy rather than a stand-alone one, and Steve Jobs once used the computer as a 'heart'. The GPT-3 is described as a 'race car of the heart' by comparing it to the expression 'bicycle'.

Quick thoughts on GPT3 --Operators & Delian's Ramblings

in Note, Posted by logc_nt