Research results that the underwater ruins were 'mines of ancient people 10,000 years ago'

It was announced that the underwater ruins found in Quintana Roo on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico are 'mines used by ancients about 10,000 years ago'.

Paleoindian ochre mines in the submerged caves of the Yucatán Peninsula, Quintana Roo, Mexico | Science Advances

Sagitario/La Mina | Cindaq

Canadian scuba diver in Mexico accidentally discovers vast, prehistoric industrial complex | National Post

Deep in since-flooded caves, researchers find evidence of America's first miners

The underground site in question was discovered in 2017 by Fred Devoss and Sam Mecham, who belong to the Quintana Roo Aquifer System Research Center (CINDAQ), a scientific institution that protects underground rivers and undersea caves near Quintana Roo . thing. Devos and his colleagues were diving near Akumal , Quintana Roo, for a hands-on course on underwater cave surveying, and discovered the existence of a cave that had been overlooked. When Mr. Devos investigated the cave, many traces of human beings such as human bones and stone tools, artificially dug holes, stone mounds for signposts, hearth for charcoal making were left from inside the cave It became clear.

CINDAQ has released a video of the discovered cave.


The inside is covered with a limestone cave.

Not only 10 human bones but also bones of

Pleistocene creatures such as saber tiger (saber tiger) were left on the ground.

The diving team has taken a total of 18,000 3D photos and has also created a sophisticated 3D model inside.

Radiocarbon dating revealed that the cave was used by ancients about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, but was submerged by a flood about 8,000 years ago. On the other hand, 'what the ancients were doing in the cave' remained unknown for over a year.

The team concluded that the cavern in question was a hematite mine, as traces of hematite, which is used as a natural red pigment, were found in a series of investigations.

Since red pigments using hematite resemble blood colors, they have been used not only for ceremonies, burials, body paints, etc. for hundreds of thousands of years, but also as sunscreens, preservatives and insect repellents. There was also an effect of. 'In the ancient community, red pigments are used ceremoniously and practically, and their use may have changed over time,' said research team brandy McDonald's. And comment. Hematite produced from the cave in question had fine particles and seemed to contain arsenic, so he said, 'It may have been particularly valuable and highly effective.'

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log