It turns out that men who took pictures with cats are considered to be 'not attractive'

Through an experiment in which a woman compares a photograph of a man holding a cat to a woman and a man, he found that 'a woman does not want to associate with the man in the picture .' This suggests that if a man wants to appeal to a woman on a dating site, he should not take a picture with a cat.

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Women are less likely to date men posing with cats, study finds-CNN

A study published in 2013 found that dog men are considered more masculine than cat men. So Lori Kogan of Colorado State University and Shelly Volsche of Boise State University sought to find out which 'male or male with a cat' would be more attractive. We conducted experiments on humans.

In the experiment, participants were asked to see `` a picture of a man alone and a picture of a cat,'' and the Bem Sex Role Survey (BSRI) used in the field of psychology and the five major factor tests of personality ( BFI) asked the men in the photo to rate. Regarding dating and dating with men, 'Absolutely Yes', 'Yes, Likely', 'Perhaps', 'Maybe, But Not Likely', 'Impossible' (Would Never Consider It)”.

Researchers analyzed participants' assessments of men and found that men holding cats were considered to be not masculine, but nervous, cooperative and open-minded. It was

Also, if one of the men in picture A was in the picture alone, about 66% of the participants answered 'Absolutely yes', 'Most likely' or 'Maybe' about the date. However, it decreased to about 60% when holding a cat. With regards to dating, one man who answered positively was about 69%, but when he was holding a cat, it fell to about 62%. The same was true for B men.

In a paper, the researcher said, 'This study found that women think men holding cats are not masculine and not suitable for dating.' Based on the claim ,'I prefer men who look,' it can be said that the presence of cats obviously reduces the chances of appearing to have a good gene.'

On the other hand, researchers said that the photographs of the men who were the subjects of the experiment were 'white men aged 20 and 21', and the participants of the experiment were 'Americans aged 18-24 years old, highly heterosexual She admits that it is limited to 'women' and admits that 'our studies have certain limitations.' In addition, he said, 'The perception of masculinity may differ depending on ethnicity, race, and socioeconomic status, and the role that pets play in their perception has not been sufficiently investigated.' Pointed out the need for.

in Science,   Creature, Posted by log1l_ks