City council promises 'complete dismantling' of police that triggered black discrimination protest movement

by Linh Nguyen

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In the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, a black man George Floyd suffocated by a white police officer and suffocated by the death of `` George Floyd's death '', a protest against black discrimination spread throughout the United States I am. Meanwhile, nine out of thirteen Minneapolis city councilors reportedly appeared at a rally in a park in Minneapolis and made a pledge to 'dismantle the police.'

Minneapolis City Council Members Announce Intent To Disband The Police Department, Invest In Proven Community-Led Public Safety-The Appeal

Lisa Bender, chairman of the Minneapolis city council, said in a rally on June 7 'We're here because we heard your voice. I was killed by Minneapolis City Police, and I was killed by George Floyd. We are here now, and we have gathered here in Minneapolis and other US cities where existing systems of police and public safety do not contribute to community security. It has become clear. The big reform effort has failed. It's done.'

Also, Minneapolis city council member Elemia Ellison said, 'We will dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. When it is over, we will not just reorganize it. We will also reconsider public safety and emergency response. It is really that time. We are doing it.”

Since the majority of the city council supports the dismantling of the police, it is likely that the dismantling of the police will actually be approved by the city council, in which case Minneapolis Public Schools, University of Minnesota, and park management groups in the city of Minneapolis will be built for a long time. The relationship with the Minneapolis Police Department has ended.

Meanwhile, Mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey, supported the elimination of racism and said, 'I'm against the disbandment of police.' In response, the protesters flew to Mayor Frey, saying, 'Shame on you!' 'Go home, Jacob!'

Activists participating in the protest campaign pointed out that the Minneapolis Police murder rate was 56% in 2019, the sexual assault rate was 22%, and the Minneapolis Police Department had a low crime rate. 'The Minneapolis Police Department has been unable to keep the city safe so far,' he said, after the Minneapolis Police Department had left the 1,700 sexual assault cases uninvestigated .

'We are committed to doing what we need to protect all Minneapolis citizens, and the Minneapolis Police Department did not do that,' said Vendor Chairman. We are dear to Minneapolis City and Minneapolis City Police. We promise to end this relationship, end police activity as we know it, and rebuild the public security system that actually protects our safety.'

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