A charity tournament is held in the Street Fighter community to appeal for the elimination of racial discrimination against black people, and more than 1.5 million yen in donations is collected.

Protests have been held across the United States following the death of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of a white police officer. In response to the Minneapolis riots , fans of the fighting game Street Fighter series posted a protest on Reddit, an overseas bulletin board, to collect donations for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization, which calls for the elimination of racial discrimination against black people. An official tournament was held. Hundreds of gamers participated in this initiative and succeeded in collecting donations of over 14,000 dollars (about 1.5 million yen).

Street Fighter Event Benefiting Black Lives Matter Demolishes Fundraising Expectations

The event was sponsored by the Street Fighter subreddit on Reddit, and initially it was a charity tournament where only ``200 dollars (approximately 22,000 yen) will be donated to the charity of the winner's choice.'' However, a dedicated donation page was set up so that anyone interested in the event could donate at any time.

When the official Street Fighter subreddit Twitter account tweeted the outline of the charity tournament, donations quickly increased. Among the users who donated to the charity tournament are famous professional fighting gamers such as American fighting game legend Justin Wong and Perfect Legend .

The moment Justin Wong donated $501 (about 54,000 yen) is included in the movie below.

Those who participate in the charity tournament can choose which charity they would like to donate their winnings to. In the end, the donation collected for the charity tournament was $ 14,225.03 (about 1.5 million yen), and the winner was Kevin Barrios . Barrios has decided to donate to Black Visions Collective, a BLM organization in Minnesota.

The charity tournament lasted for about 5 hours, and you can check out the entire event from the movie below.

RedditFighting - Twitch

in Video,   Game, Posted by logu_ii