Nintendo Switch version of 'Book of Demons' is a dungeon exploration action game that combines hackslash and deck building, and is a simple Diablo-like game.

The Nintendo Switch version of ' Book of Demons ', in which players use limited cards to challenge evil demons lurking deep underground, has been available since May 21, 2020. Book of Demons is a game influenced by
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You can get a good idea of the world view and atmosphere of Book of Demons, as well as the battle using cards, by watching the movie below.
Hacksla & deck building action adventure Nintendo Switch 'Book of Demons' uses spell cards to defeat enemies - YouTube
When you start the game, you will immediately move to the character creation screen. Players can choose from three roles: Warrior (swordsman), Rogue (archer), and Mage (wizard). However, at first, you can only choose Warrior. Select Warrior and select 'Create Character'.

Book of Demons allows you to choose the game difficulty from casual, normal, and roguelike. This time, I played on the easiest difficulty, 'casual.'

The story begins in a village near a cathedral where evil forces lurk. When you talk to a woman nearby...

It seems that the demon in the cathedral is causing damage all over the continent.

So, I headed straight for the cathedral at the back of the village.
The basement of the cathedral is a dungeon consisting of several levels, and the player will adventure inside it. The length of each level represents the approximate size of the dungeon.

The size of each dungeon floor can be adjusted depending on the play time, so you can play it in about 10 minutes or take your time and play for almost an hour. Of course, the larger the floor, the higher the chance of getting rare items.

The inside of the dungeon looks like this.

You cannot move freely around every nook and cranny of the dungeon; you can only move along pre-determined paths.

The footprints of routes you have already walked are displayed in yellow, so you don't have to step on unnecessary steps.

However, since characters can only move along a set path, if you proceed through the dungeon without thinking, you may find yourself cornered by multiple enemies.

In areas that your character cannot enter, you can collect money or items or aim at enemies by moving the cursor over the red frame.

You can get a good idea of what it's like to collect items and explore dungeons using the cursor by watching the movie below.
In order to attack enemies, you can perform normal attacks by repeatedly pressing the A button, or you can equip cards to launch powerful attacks.

There are three types of cards, and a total of 19 artifact cards that have effects when equipped.

There are 12 item cards in total that can restore stamina, mana, status abnormalities, etc.

There are 9 spell cards that can be used to launch powerful attacks.

The following movie shows how to fight enemies using spell cards. Spell cards can be activated by consuming the mana displayed in the bottom right of the screen.
Cards can be spread around the dungeon, and it's random what cards you get and where you get them.

Depending on the enemy's attack, the card may be removed from the slot, rendering it invalid.

Cards can be powered up up to three times by paying money in the village and combining them with special cards.

At the very bottom of the cathedral, you might think there is a vicious boss... but if you look closely, it looks like he is playing with a chick. Please play the game and find out what kind of battle will unfold with this boss.

Although the game system is very similar to Diablo, unlike Diablo, where you can get a wide variety of items and set your equipment in detail, the dungeon exploration area is limited, there are up to 10 card slots, and you can adjust the play time and difficulty. Since you can play easily without worrying about detailed strategies, it is a game that can be recommended as an introductory game for people who have never played a hack-and-slash game but are interested in it.
'Book of Demons' can be purchased for download on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam. The price is 2,900 yen including tax, and the Steam version is 2,570 yen including tax.
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Steam: Book of Demons
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