A function that allows you to see 'places for wheelchairs' at a glance is added to Google Maps

It is difficult to know 'whether you can enter in a wheelchair' or 'whether there is a toilet for wheelchairs' in places that you have never visited, so you have to answer the question 'I couldn't enter in a wheelchair when I actually visited.' Wheelchair users have been holding it. To solve these problems, Google Maps has a new ' Accessible Places ' feature.
Google Japan Blog: Google Maps makes it easier to find wheelchair accessible locations
Find wheelchair accessible places with Google Maps
The wheelchair user, which is estimated to have 131.8 million people around the world, has the problem of 'I don't know if the destination is wheelchair accessible'. When you turn on the 'wheelchair accessible location' function that Google has newly added, the wheelchair accessible location will be clearly indicated by the 'wheelchair icon' as shown in the image below.

In the detailed information column, it is also stated whether each facility such as 'toilet', 'seat', 'parking lot', 'entrance' in the store is wheelchair accessible.

To turn on the location function for wheelchairs, go to 'Settings' ...

Select “Accessibility Settings” ……

By tapping the 'Wheelchair accessible location' toggle button, the 'Wheelchair accessible location' function will be enabled. It is said that the 'wheelchair compatible location' function will be offered sequentially from Google Map users in Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, but when I actually checked it, the editorial department's terminal was not yet ready at the time of article creation It was implemented.
Google Maps has barrier-free information on over 15 million places worldwide and over 1 million in Japan. Google's 'Wheelchair accessible location' function makes it easy to share barrier-free information and is useful for people such as wheelchair users, stroller users, elderly people, delivery workers, etc., and those people stuck in the store It will reduce the number of situations that you have.
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in Mobile, Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log