I tried the gyoza lord's hotball Mapo noodles that the spiciness of Mapo tofu is firmly entwined with noodles

From May 1, 2020 (Friday), a new product, ' Ondama Mapo Noodle, ' has been introduced to the gyoza king. With the new container ' Gyoza no Osho Renchin Series ', the taste of the shop was the same even when I brought it home, so I took it home with me.

Ontama Mabo Noodles | Fair Information for All Japan | Gyoza no Osho


'Tamatama mapo noodles' that I brought home.

The container is divided into a lid containing mapo tofu and a lower plate containing noodles, so you can heat the lid in a microwave oven and put it on the noodles. If you have the same kind of product from a convenience store, you can warm them together, but this is 'lid only'.

Be careful, if you warm the noodles together, it will harden like this.

So, warm the mapo tofu for the specified time.

After heating, sprinkle Mapo tofu on the noodles and the noodles were completely hidden. It looks like this when the diameter of the vessel is compared with the traffic IC card.

The depth is a little shorter than the long side of the transportation IC card.

Mix well and continue eating. The noodles have no distinctive feature, but the mapo tofu is firmly entwined and brings the spiciness. I think the seasoning is the same as the normal mapo tofu, but the impression is that the spiciness is emphasized, and the hotballs make the spicy mellowness exquisite. It is a dish that you can eat tightly without chopsticks stopping.

The mapo tofu remained because it was concentrated too much on the noodles.

If you have this much left over, add the remaining rice and put it in.

Naturally, the compatibility is also excellent as a mapo bowl. Perfect for lunch or dinner.

As for “Ondama Mapo noodles”, tax is 682 yen separately, and if you take it home, the container fee is 10 yen including tax.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt