Michael Moore's latest work `` Planet of the Humans '' which is fully released for free

The full-length documentary ' Planet of the Humans ', which is close to the realities of clean energy, has been released on YouTube by Michael Moore, who is known for documentary movies such as '

Fahrenheit 911 ' and ' Sikko ', who acted as an executive producer. YouTube is full of shocking comments that say 'the most pathological, horrifying, sad documentary I've ever seen.'

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs-YouTube

The movie starts from asking people who pass by the question 'How long will humanity continue?'

There are various answers such as 'always', 'about 1 million years', '47 years, 3 months and 5 days'. There was also an answer such as 'I think humanity will continue for a long time, but I think we will change. It may return to monkeys.'

It is not the beginning of concern over the impact of fossil fuels. The image taken in 1958 had already warned against global warming. However, even by 2020, humankind will continue to lose the fight against global warming.

Why is humanity continuing to lose the fight against global warming? Jeff Gibbs, who is an environmental activist and directed this movie, cut into that point.

It is said that the use of clean energy rather than fossil fuels is the key to solving global warming. So, Mr. Gibbs first went to the 'solar panel' event, which is expected to provide clean energy.

At this event, solar panels were installed everywhere ...

There is also an exhibition booth where solar panels are explained.

There is a band playing ...

Participants are dancing barefoot.

However, when I went to the other side of the event, the

biodiesel generator was in operation, not the solar generator ...

A general generator was also used, saying, 'We can't handle it when it rains.'

In fact, it rained during the event. In this way, there is a contradiction that fossil fuels are used to hold events that appeal to solar panels, but the problem is that such contradictions occur at various levels.

In the first place, the movement of green energy occurred in the Obama administration. During this period, various policies were promoted to promote green energy, subsidies were established, and subsidies for oil and gas companies were reduced.

During this time, companies and banks have succeeded in making their brands greener, reshaping their image and obtaining subsidies. However, in reality, many companies still rely on natural gas.

Apple at the presentation ...

We are claiming '100% renewable energy'.

Looking at the map from hygiene, there are actually solar panels lined up near Apple's data center.

However, in reality, even in 2020, we will have to rely on electric power companies.

Many companies advertise the word '100% renewable energy', but there are no companies that actually cover all energy with solar or wind power. Words that many companies such as Google, Apple, and Tesla appeal to include lies.

This is due to the instability that solar panels and wind turbines do not provide energy in the absence of the sun and wind, and the drawback of deterioration in just a few years. Moreover, a large amount of fossil fuel is required to create these facilities.

In addition, the biomass and wood chips that Apple appeals as 'renewable energy' are basically created by large-scale logging, and a large amount of fossils are also used for logging and transporting materials. You will need fuel.

There are inherent problems with how to utilize clean energy, and in order to sustain humanity, it is necessary to understand and control human population growth and consumption, but this does not generate profit for companies. There is none. The movie shows that the problem that environmentalism as of 2020 is talked only in the context of capitalism.

Gibbs suggests in the film that the species themselves are facing death, just as humans are dying. In addition, in the comment section of YouTube, 'The most morbid, horrifying, sad documentary I have ever seen' 'The most sad last documentary I have ever seen' 'The most depressing documentary in my history, but I need a slap It was the time. ”

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log