Experts explain the reason why `` I want to eat carbohydrates '' during the pandemic

Under the unusual situation of the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the psychology of people is affected in various ways, and the desire to say `` craving '' for carbohydrates such as cake, pasta, bread etc. Some complain. Experts such as biologists and nutritionists explain that it is natural to want to eat carbohydrates in a crisis, and explain the causes.

Carbo-loading in quarantine: Experts explain why we crave bread and pasta in a crisis

Eva Serhab, a veteran of the Harvard Medical School, said, `` There are things and things that can disrupt our balance, such as hunger, discomfort, coldness, and the desire to 'better understand'. The notion of absence is considered stress. 'He pointed out that the special situation of a pandemic is creating stress.

According to Serhab, responding to the causes of stress releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain, which stimulates the brain's reward system and lowers blood levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Will occur. People experience `` happiness and comfort '' by such a series of reactions, but Mr. Serhab mentions that carbohydrates also release dopamine and serotonin in the brain and stimulate the reward system . To find this effect, he explained that carbohydrates would be tempting to eat under stressful conditions such as pandemics.

Nancy Cohen of the University of Massachusetts, who specializes in nutrition, shares his opinion with Serhab. 'Carbohydrates cause an increase in blood insulin, insulin raises the concentration of tryptophan in the brain, and tryptophan produces serotonin. Serotonin, also known as the' happiness hormone, 'can improve mood. Yes, after eating carbs, you actually feel better. '' `` In short-term stress, the brain releases adrenaline and suppresses appetite, but when stress is prolonged, cortisol is released, and carbohydrates and The desire for fatty foods will increase. '

Omar Gockmen, an associate professor of biology at State University of New York at Buffalo and a specialist in evolutionary anthropology, has a different interpretation than Selhab and Cohen. `` The human brain does not distinguish between 'lion chased' and 'facing a pandemic' sources of stress, '' said Gockmen, who states that in stressed situations, He explained that he wanted carbohydrates to store energy for him.

As mentioned above, there is a biological reason for the desire to eat carbohydrates. However, nutrition counselor Evelyn Tribol pointed out that psychological reasons also create dietary cravings.

He says that the smell of food has a relaxing effect, saying that 'smell the smell of a dish, and not the past or the future, but the present, through a meal associated with the smell.' It seems that good 'memories' such as delicious dishes made by her mother also have a relaxing effect. Also, those who cook by themselves can eliminate the stress of `` thinking what to eat today '' by preparing meals in advance, and in a pandemic situation where food shortage due to buying up continues, `` The food itself relieves stress, said Tribol.

However, there are risks to taking carbohydrates. 'In a pandemic, most people don't run, they just sit and worry, and in that situation, they don't need carbs. If you do, you will feel worse. ' If happiness hormone levels are reduced, the brain is tired, the body hurts, and the desire for salvation increases.

For this reason, Serhab advised that 'do not overeat one food.' In addition to abundant fruits and vegetables, Cohen also has a good balance of carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread and brown rice, seeds such as nuts, and proteins such as tofu, seafood, eggs, red meat, chicken, and dairy products. Recommended that.

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log