Pointed out that the usage of `` dating application '' is changing due to the influence of the new coronavirus

In order to control the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), countries are implementing strategies to maintain 'social distance'. Increasing awareness of reducing physical contact with others has led to a change in the way dating apps are used

, says Lisa Portlan , a member of the Cultural and Social Research Institute at Western Sydney University. doing.

The safest sex you'll never have: how coronavirus is changing online dating

In the context of a new coronavirus epidemic, dating apps are trying to fulfill their responsibilities in situations where social distance is recommended. Tinder appeals to users matched with the opposite sex that `` Your health is our top priority '', and that it displays a pop-up that calls for not to wash your hands and touch your face frequently during dating It has been reported.

While dating apps seek online dating with the opposite sex, many users ultimately want to date their partner in the real world. For this reason, while people are being encouraged to avoid unnecessary urgent outings, many people think that the use rate of dating apps will decrease, but in fact more people use dating apps than before. Said Portlan.

OkCupid , a dating app, reported a 7% increase in chats in the United States during the 5-10 March, when new coronavirus infections were expanding in the United States. Also, a dating app called Bumble saw an 8% increase in users during the second week of March, with messages sent 23% in Seattle and New York and 26% in San Francisco during March 12-22. It is said that the amount of has increased . In India, it is also reported that the volume of messages exchanged on Tinder is increasing .

In response to user demand for connections with the opposite sex, even though social distances are encouraged, dating apps are starting to provide a way to build much of the relationship on apps. It seems that some dating apps have begun to improve the video call function, make free video calls with users who are likely to match in tens of seconds to several minutes, and a system that can register favorite users has been implemented .

Why dating apps are so popular even when social distance is encouraged, Portlan believes that dating apps are a solution that lowers risk by keeping people bored and connected with others. . 'Previously, meeting partners online was considered unhealthy compared to real-world encounters, but online meetings are considered safer in 2020.' Noted Portlan.

New York City Department of Health is aimed at citizens, which was announced in March 27 (PDF file)

notification to is labeled 'You are your safest sex partner. (Myself what is the safest sex partners).' , The public was encouraged to masturbate rather than have sex. The policy of maintaining social distance can last for months, so it is expected that people's sex habits will change dramatically.

In anticipation of sexlessness for a long time already, it seems that the sales of adult toys are soaring, and the sales of adult toys have increased 13% in the UK, 71% in Italy, and 135% in Canada! That it is. Although short, sexual negotiations are undergoing a huge change, Mr Portlan said.

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