`` The new coronavirus survives in the air for up to 3 hours, thorough hand washing and disinfection is important, '' experts said

The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) the new coronavirus is the pathogen (SARS-CoV-2) is
We know how long coronavirus survives on surfaces.Here's what it means for handling money, food and more
A study published by a research team at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the United States found that SARS-CoV-2 remained infectious for at least three hours in an 'aerosol' state. Aerosols are airborne particles that can become infected when inhaling particles containing SARS-CoV-2. That is, the patient cough Then, SARS-CoV-2 may remain in the air and infect others.
In addition, it is thought that the virus spreads by contact, and it seems that it remains for up to 72 hours on a hard and smooth surface such as plastic, stainless steel, glass, etc., but SARS-CoV-2 deteriorates with time, It is said that infectivity will be reduced. It has been found that virus infectivity is maintained for up to 24 hours, though it inactivates faster on surfaces that absorb moisture, such as cardboard, paper, and fabric. In addition, the researchers have suggested that SARS-CoV-2 can transmit COVID-19 by contacting the surface of an object or through an aerosol in the air.

Arden and colleagues point out that there is a risk that the virus can be transmitted to almost anything, including railings, benches and door handles. They appeal to thoroughly wash their hands after touching or using public objects. He argued that fresh food should be thoroughly washed before eating, and that taking out food in paper containers rather than plastic would reduce the risk of infection.
Arden and his colleagues say that smartphones and cash, which they touch on a daily basis, are likely to be the vectors of transmission. Smartphones have already been pointed out by other experts as a route of infection, 'Keep your mobile phone handy without giving it to others as much as possible,' 'Sterilization sheet containing alcohol Disinfecting diligently 'is recommended.
Is it possible to get the new coronavirus from the surface of mail or smartphones? -GIGAZINE

In fact, Apple has updated its support page in March 2020 and recommends using an antiseptic sheet to keep your iPhone clean.
Apple updates how to keep iPhone clean, recommends using some sanitizing sheets-gigazine

In addition, it has been reported that some retailers have refused cash payments and demanded contactless payments in the United Kingdom, where a curfew has been issued for measures against the new coronavirus.
A topic that people using cash have been halved in just a few days due to the influence of the new coronavirus-gigazine

'In the end, the best way to avoid COVID-19 infection is the primitive way: disinfect your hands and stay away from others. Physical distance to slow down the progress of the pandemic Is still the most effective prevention method. '
In addition, Mr. Arden and others introduce a study that `` SARS-CoV that caused SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2003 is inactivated by temperature exceeding 56 degrees Celsius and direct exposure to ultraviolet rays, Whether this SARS-CoV-2 will be inactivated under the same conditions is unknown at the time of writing.
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in Science, Posted by log1i_yk