Amazon announces 100,000 new jobs at `` special demand for new coronavirus '', some complaints from the site

Amazon has announced that it will hire 100,000 warehouse workers in the United States. This is attributable to the growing demand for online shopping, which allows people to shop while staying at home, while many people refrain from going out as a measure against the new coronavirus.

Amazon ramps hiring, opening 100,000 new roles to support people relying on Amazon's service in this stressful time

Amazon hiring 100,000 warehouse workers amid coronavirus boom | Ars Technica

Amazon: Staff told to work overtime as virus spikes demand-BBC News

Dave Clark, Senior Vice President of Sales at Amazon, said on March 16, 2020, `` To respond to the surge in demand from those who rely on Amazon services, especially those who can not go out. Will recruit 100,000 people, full-time and part-time, to be assigned to fulfillment centers and distribution networks. '

'In the face of the outbreak of the new coronavirus, Amazon and its partners are delivering goods directly to people in need around the world, especially in the elderly and health. In order to maintain social distance, it is imperative that those who have this problem deliver goods directly to the front door, where demand is expected to increase significantly and worker demand is unprecedented. And responded to the increased demand due to the effects of the new coronavirus.

The company also aims to take employment measures for those who have lost income due to the new coronavirus. In a statement, Clark said in a statement, 'While areas such as hospitality, eating and drinking, and passenger services are stagnating, many people are being financially affected. I want to know that we want to welcome our team until we can get back to work. '

We are also raising employees. The minimum salary for warehouse workers in the United States is $ 15 per hour (about 1608 yen), but by the end of April it will be $ 17 (about 1821 yen) plus $ 2 (about 214 yen). Similarly, in Canada it is planned to add 2 Canadian dollars (about 150 yen), 2 pounds in the UK (about 259 yen), 2 euros in Europe (about 235 yen) to the hourly wage, and to pay by the end of April The additional salary is estimated to total $ 350 million.

In addition, as measures against the new coronavirus, they are working to create an environment where they can work while maintaining a 'social distance' while strengthening facility cleaning. In addition, workers who have been infected with the new coronavirus are given two weeks of paid leave, and said that 'even though they are unpaid, they will not be fired even if they take a rest by the end of March.'

On the other hand, workers working in the field have complained about Amazon's attitude. Warehousing worker Ted Miin told BuzzFeed News, a U.S. news site, `` I pay workers after infection, but I have not taken any precautionary measures to prevent infection, so I will stop the pandemic you can not make or reduce the risk of infection. the office worker physical condition can be telecommuting After the collapse and is in contrast to '

talked .

The union GMB has also announced that it has received a 'forced overtime order' from workers working in at least four warehouses. At warehouses in Dunfermline, Scotland, etc., up to 60 hours of 'voluntary overtime' are being performed.

GMB's Mick Rix said that overtime is rampant at Amazon. 'If employees are overworked, they are concerned that their health will be impaired and the risk of acquiring the new coronavirus will increase. In other words, Amazon has benefited more than safety. '

Already, five warehouse workers, two in Italy and three in Spain, have tested positive for the new coronavirus. However, unions in both countries have told the media that 'Amazon has refused to request that employees close their facilities for thorough cleaning.'

'This is an unprecedented era, but all employers must do business within the law,' said Hanna Ford, a specialist in labor law at Stevens & Bolton LLP. We also have an implicit duty to take reasonable steps to protect the health and safety of our employees, which extends to both mental and physical health. '

in Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks