A survey over six continents found that people in countries with large disparities kissed

The question 'Why do people kiss?' Suggests a variety of possibilities from previous research
National income inequality predicts cultural variation in mouth to mouth kissing | Scientific Reports
Study: link between income inequality and kissing frequency
In this survey, a questionnaire asked about content such as `` how often do deep kisses with partners '' and `` how important are kisses '', respondents in countries with large income disparities answered that they would kiss more frequently. thing. In addition, it seems that there was no relationship between the kind of intimacy such as hugging and sexual activity and income disparity.
A graph shows the Gini coefficient (horizontal axis) that measures income inequality and the frequency of kisses to the mouth in a relationship (vertical axis). The higher the Gini coefficient, that is, the greater the inequality, the higher the frequency of kisses as a whole. The Gini coefficient in the UK is relatively low, but the frequency of kisses is high.

Watkins commented on the findings, 'Our environment is related to the manifestation of romantic intimacy.'
'Previous studies have shown that deep kisses are associated with the quality of romantic relationships. Our data shows that people living in less dependable environments do more deep kisses. I think this is because intimate relationships are more valuable in these places, 'said Watkins.

An interesting finding from the research is that in many countries, people tend to consider kisses to be more important after a relationship has been established than at the beginning of a relationship. In addition, the judgment of 'good kiss' is mainly made from two 'sensual elements' such as pleasant and unpleasant smell of body and breath, and 'technique and excitement', but women are on average compared to men It has also been found that there is a tendency to emphasize “sensory elements”.
The findings of this survey are invaluable in that extensive data was collected across geographically separated countries. Some of the countries surveyed did not favor kissing, and this difference was related to the issue of whether wealth was distributed in society. 'By using the same logic as in this study and conducting further research, we can investigate the differences in kissing and romantic intimacy between regions, and the importance of the kissing sensation in an intimate relationship.'

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