The American Psychological Association warns that scientific evidence is insufficient for a theory that has a causal relationship between violent games and real violence

Relevance to the scientific and 'to play the game,' 'it is a violent' is not it has been shown, '
APA RESOLUTION on Violent Video Games

APA warns against linking violent video games to real-world violence | Ars Technica
The APA publishes a PDF file titled 'APA's Answers on Violent Games', and 'there is insufficient scientific evidence to support a causal link between violent games and real-world violent behavior.' Warns against the idea of a link between the game and violence.
The APA also had its own view of the game in 2015. At the time, the APA stated that 'playing violent games is linked to human aggression.' The APA stated that 'aggressiveness and violent behavior cannot and should not be tied to violent games.'

The APA stated in its statement that 'violent games should not be misused as a cause of violence, such as shootings. Violence requires the attention of researchers, policy makers and the public, It's a complex social problem based on many factors: linking violence to violent games is not scientifically justified, it is a claim that diverts attention away from other factors, 'said violent games and the real world. Has denied the relationship of violence.
In 2018, research results that `` There is no connection between playing a game and being violent '' have been published, and just because a player played a violent game, the player was violent It is clearly shown that this is not always the case.

The APA statement is based on a meta-analysis of studies from over 20 years that analyzed the relationship between game and violence from various angles. Based on multiple findings, the APA has shown how playing a violent game is related to 'physical violence, such as hitting kicks, pulling hair, and biting, and verbal violence.' Analysis. Past studies have stated that children who play games `` decrease prosocial behavior, empathy, and moral involvement, '' but APA states that `` these studies are rarely aimed at children under 10 years old '.
Also, in many studies and press conferences, the words 'attack' and 'violence' tend to be used interchangeably, APA said, 'Most existing research plays violent games, It does not focus on the connection of 'fatal violence.' All violence, including 'fatal violence,' is aggressive, but not all aggression leads to violence. ' He pointed out that he needed to investigate more rigorously the relationship between violence and games.
Chris Ferguson, a professor of psychology at Stetson University, told a news site, Ars Technica, in 2018, `` We have examined a number of studies in light of youth violence, bullying, behavioral disorders, and the arrest of adults. But I couldn't find any evidence that violent games are causing violence. '

The APA encourages ongoing research into the effects of violent games, and how gender, ethnicity, social class, and cultural background affect the effects seen by playing violent games. More research is needed.
The APA recommends that the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) update the rating display to reflect the level and characteristics of violence in the game.
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