Court gives an order to Apple that `` the employee should be paid while working while the property is being inspected ''

At Apple stores in the United States, California, a property inspection is conducted to check if employees have stealed Apple products. On the other hand, a class action lawsuit among employees who complained that 'Apple has not paid salary for belongings inspection which may take 45 minutes in some cases' has broken out. The California Supreme Court ruled on February 13, 2020, granting the employees an action.
Apple store workers should be paid for time waiting to be searched, court rules-Los Angeles Times
Apple must pay employees for security checks of bags and phones after work-CBS News
California court says Apple must pay retail workers for time spent waiting on bag searches-9to5Mac

Apple has 52 stores in California, where in-depth inspections of employees' bags and backpacks, wallets and private Apple products, etc., to prevent employees from stealing Apple products. An inspection of belongings is being conducted. Inventory inspections are performed by managers or security personnel, so employees must call in and wait on the spot for inspections to complete, but inspections typically take 5 to 20 minutes, up to a maximum on busy days. It takes 45 minutes.
Apple employees who were arrested for 45 minutes and searched for a painless belly, angry that there was no compensation, told Apple in 2013, `` The amount of time during inventory inspection was also I want you to pay my salary. '
In response, Apple argued that 'If employees do not bring personal items to the workplace, inspection of belongings can be avoided' A judge in the California District Court also acknowledges Apple's claim, stating that `` workers must prove not only that they were prevented from leaving work, but also that there is no way to avoid property inspections '' I have ruled.
In a subsequent appeal, Apple argued that 'we have also been able to ban all personal belongings.' Theories have been developed that personal property inspections are a result of respecting the interests of employees rather than obligations, and that they should accept the lack of compensation. 'The workers may need a bag to store their everyday items, such as wallets, keys, mobile phones, glasses, water bottles,' the California Supreme Court noted. 'If you look at the realities of everyday life in the 21st century, Apple's claims cannot be justified and cannot be justified,' he rejected the district court ruling.

Judge Tani Cantil-Sakaue of the California Supreme Court said in a sentence, 'While working hours subject to a wage payment order, say,' Is an employee placed under the control of an employer and ordered to work? ' Or all time allowed to work ”.” And dismissed Apple's claim.
The Supreme Court further added, `` Apple's claim that personal iPhones can be left at home once advertised that Tim Cook once said, 'The iPhone has become an integral part of people's lives.' That's inconsistent with that, 'he sharply criticized Apple's objection.
According to Chief Justice Cantil-Sakaue, Apple requires employees to 'wear uniforms during working hours', but orders them to take off or hide uniforms outside the store. Judge Cantil-Sakaue points out that the contradiction of Apple's assertion that 'no personal items are required' is highlighted here, as bringing in outerwear and changing clothes is mandatory.

by Owen Billcliffe
The Supreme Court has remanded the case, and the case will be heard again by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals . It seems that the legal interpretation of the day's judgment will be applied as it is, 'the court said, saying that the victory of the workers effectively closed the curtain.
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