The UK Ministry of Defense decides to release the previously undisclosed `` UFO report ''

It has been reported that the UK Defense Force will release the 'UFO Report' collected and documented by the British Defense Force on a dedicated page.
UFO sightings reported to RAF to be published for first time online
British 'X-Files' of UFO sightings is going public | Live Science
The RAF continued its project from the early 1950s to 2009 to investigate and document UFO sightings reported in the country. Ten years have passed since the end of this project, and the UK and Irish news agency PA Media sent a request to `` disclose a report on UFOs '' based on the British Information Disclosure Law , The Pentagon has decided to make the UFO report publicly available.

Some reports are already published online. The following “2009 UFO Discovery Report” briefly summarizes “time at the time of discovery”, “location”, “reporter's occupation”, and “report contents” in a list format.
UFO Reports 2009 for MoD website-Edited.xls-ufo_report_2009.pdf
(PDF file)

If you read the contents of the report, you will find that the orange luminous body shines red on the right side, the very strange, very bright light with 4 times the brightness of the stars, the illuminant of up to 20 red and orange lights, You can see that there were witness reports such as 'Three golden orbs in series in the air that emit dazzling light,' and simple reports simply called 'UFO.'
Most UFO reports scheduled to be released by 2020 are mostly for the first time. A spokesman for the RAF told the letter, The Telegraph, 'I will create a dedicated page for the government site.'

By LionFive
Sources at the National Archives of the United Kingdom include records that the U.S. Department of Defense established a `` Flying Saucer Expert Committee '' in response to a sharp rise in public curiosity in 1950, and Churchill at the time. There is a record of the Prime Minister sending a note to the Secretary of the Aviation, 'What do the rumors about the flying saucer mean? Is it true?' The flying saucer expert investigation committee concluded that the UFO was `` hoaxes '', `` delusions '' and `` mistakes of ordinary objects '', and seemed to judge that `` no additional research on UFOs was necessary '', but in spite of this decision The Royal Air Force continued to investigate UFOs until 2009.
The UFO investigation has been completed due to a policy change on December 1, 2009. The RAF's UFO report will be released in the first half of 2020.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log