The US Navy is working on 'Guidelines for Reporting UFOs'

Foreign media Politico reports that the US Navy has created new guidelines that define UFO sightings that have invaded military facilities and how to handle them.
US Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs-POLITICO
UFO is an abbreviation of 'Unidentified Flying Object'. Generally, there is an image of an alien vehicle, but in fact even birds and balloons are treated as UFOs if they are unconfirmed. However, according to the guidelines prepared by the Navy, 'Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP, unexplainable aerial phenomenon)' is also included.
This is not the first time that US government organizations have officially launched UFO measures. In 2017, it has become clear that the Department of Defense was spending about $ 22 million (about 2 billion yen at the rate) and conducting UFO research. The UFO Research Unit, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, was formally closed in 2012 as it was fully researched.
Admit that the US Department of Defense has conducted an unknown survey of UFOs for five years-GIGAZINE

According to Politico, the US Navy does not believe that pilots will really encounter aliens. It is necessary to develop such guidelines because it is formally recorded and closely investigated that reliable soldiers who passed advanced training have reported that they have witnessed strange things during the mission. That's right.
The US Navy responded to Politico's question: 'In recent years, there have been several reports that unauthorized or unconfirmed aircraft have invaded military control areas and designated areas. From the viewpoint of safety and security, the US Navy and the United States have The Air Force takes these reports very seriously and conducts research on all reports, 'said the company, intending to update and formalize a process that can report intrusions of unidentified flying objects.
by USNavy
Chris Mellon, a former Pentagon Intelligence Agency and a member of the Senate Information Committee, told Politico: 'At the moment, UFOs and UAPs are not treated as anomalies to be investigated, but as anomalies to be ignored. For example, Mach Even if there is information such as satellite data or radar that captures moving objects in 3), it does not know how to handle it. It will be discarded because it is not a conventional plane or missile. '
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