Physicists elucidate `` recipes of soap liquid to create the ultimate soap bubble ''

Although soap bubbles can be easily blown with detergents, it is necessary to mix water and detergent at a very precise ratio to create a world-class super huge soap bubble. A physicist who has scientifically elucidated this 'mixing ratio of soap solution to produce the ultimate soap bubble' has published a paper on the scientific journal Physical Review Fluids .
Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 013304 (2020)-How to make a giant bubble
Physicists determine the optimal soap recipe for blowing gigantic bubbles | Ars Technica
Because the formation of soap bubbles involves very complex physics, the 'mixing ratio for creating the ultimate soap bubble' has long remained a mystery. In the 1800s, Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau conducted extensive basic research on soap films, formulated Plateau's law to explain the structure of soap films forming soap bubbles, and developed the structure of soap films. We have outlined four basic laws of surface tension that determine
According to this plateau's law, the reason for bubbles being round is due to surface tension. A sphere has the smallest surface area for a given volume, so it requires the least energy to maintain its shape. It should be noted that if the soap bubble is formed for a long time, it will no longer be a perfect sphere due to the force of gravity pulling the liquid downward, and will then break.

In recent years, research on soap bubbles has been actively conducted, and in 2016, a French physicist ' theoretically modeled the mechanism of blowing bubbles '. Studies have shown that soap bubbles form only when blown above a certain speed, which also depends on the width of the jet of air. When the width of the jet is wide, the threshold value for forming bubbles is lower than when the jet is narrow, and the bubbles formed are larger. This is exactly what happens when you make soap bubbles with plastic straws.
In 2018, a mathematician at the Applied Mathematics Laboratory at New York University conducted an experiment on soap films that form soap bubbles , and published a paper on ' The Best Method for Blowing Bubble '. According to this paper, 'the best way to blow soap bubbles' is to use a 1.5 inch (3.81 cm) outer circumference cylindrical cylinder and gently blow at a wind speed of about 6.9 cm per second. The paper points out that not only does the bubble burst when blown with a strong breath, but also the same problem with too large or too small straws.

The latest research paper on such bubbles has been published on Physical Review Fluids. According to this paper, the key to creating huge soap bubbles that are difficult to break is 'different length polymers '.
Justin Burton, a co-author of the dissertation and a fluid mechanics expert at Emory University, sees a street performer accidentally meeting in Barcelona using a hula hoop to create a huge soap bubble the same length as a car. He was interested in soap bubbles.
Burton's first interest was that the surface of the soap bubble turned iridescent. This is due to the interference pattern that occurs when light reflects off the surface of the soap film that forms the soap bubble. From there, Burton learns that the soap film that forms the soap bubble is only a few micrometers thick. Later, she was surprised that a thin soap film of only a few micrometers was kept in a state of huge soap bubbles, and actually started an experiment to create a huge soap bubble in the laboratory and at home's backyard, Burton said Mr.

Mr. Burton seems to have referred to a soap bubble dedicated Wiki etc. to create a huge soap bubble. It seems that most of the popular soap liquid recipes introduced on these sites have found that they contain polymers ( guar and polyethylene glycol used as medical lubricants).
From there, Burton made a mixture of water, soap, and polymer in various proportions to create a soap solution. Using this soap solution, soap bubbles were blown, the thickness of the soap film was measured by infrared rays, and the life until the soap bubbles broke was also measured.
The study concluded that the research team needed a polymer to create huge bubbles. 'The chain polymers become entangled and become pills, forming long chain structures that are difficult to split. It is the best thing that has elasticity while it is '.

by Enrico Carcasci
'The soap liquid recipe for making perfect soap bubbles' derived by the research team such as Burton et al. Is as follows.
◆ Material
Water: 1 liter
Dawn Professional (Dishwashing detergent): 50ml
Guar powder (food thickener): 2-3 grams
Disinfecting alcohol: 50ml
Baking powder: 2g
◆ Procedure for making soap liquid
1: Stir guar powder and rubbing alcohol until they cannot be fooled
2: Add 1 liter of water to (1) and mix gently for 10 minutes
3: Wait quietly until the guar powder dissolves in the water
4: Stir again and add baking powder and stir again if the liquid looks like unset gelatin
5: Add dishwashing detergent and gently stir so that the liquid level does not foam
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