Can a steak expert distinguish high-quality steaks by looking and taste alone?

“Steak” is a dish of meat that has been baked into thick slices, and because of the simple cooking method, “taste of meat itself” is greatly involved in the taste of steak. About such steaks A steak expert has released a movie on YouTube that performs a blind test to hit ' which steak meat is more expensive ' just by taste and appearance.

Steak Expert Guesses Cheap vs Expensive Steak | Price Points | Epicurious-YouTube

Angie Ma, the manager and general chef of The Beatrice Inn , a New York-style restaurant that appeared under the title of “Steak Expert”, will challenge the steak rating check.

Ma's challenge is to guess which steak meat is high-quality by just looking at the meat before cooking and the texture and taste of the steak.

The first problem is rib eye. The highest part of the ribs on the back side of the cow.

“I love ribeye. So I know a lot,” Ma said with confidence.

“The best rib eye is part of the whole beef ribs. Rib eye is one of the best parts of beef, it has both softness and teething and has a little bloody flavor.

First, check the appearance.

“A is not a lot of sashi, which is a fat in muscle, and is less

marbling . Also, this ribeye looks like the dorsal side of the cow. The meat on the back side is generally less fat `` There is less fat in the ribeye from the same cow. ''

“The most important thing to consider when choosing a rib eye is the edge of the meat (the part that is pointed to in the image). If you have a really good rib eye, the marbling of this edge will be particularly noticeable, with 30% to 40% being fat. ``

“If you look at B, about 50% of the edge is fat, so you can say that B is a pretty good rib eye,” Ma praises the appearance of B ’s meat.

Ma also mentioned the color of the meat itself. “A is lighter red, but B has a deep hue like red garnet, and B has a“ prime ”hue.”

According to the commentary of Ma's,

United States Department of Agriculture in the 8 grade of beef (USDA) is defined 'Prime Choice Select Standard Commercial utility cutter scanners', prime the best grade. This grade is determined by the type of cow, gender, maturity, and marbling.

“The restaurants and supermarkets come up to the top three of Prime Choice Select. Meat of lower grades is used for fast food chains and burgers, and meat close to the lowest grade becomes dog food. ”

Ma said, “B has a lot of connective tissue near the bone that has a good flavor and is ideal for breakfast,” he praised B's appearance again and concluded his appearance.

Next is the actual meal.

“If you cut the A and look at the section, the muscle fibers are very rough.

“On the other hand, the cross section of B looks pink and juicy with fleshy flesh. In addition, fat is visible on the edge.”

Mr. Ma starts with A.

“A is crispy and can't bite easily. If it ’s the best rib eye, it should feel like it melts on the tongue.”

Next to B. Mr. Ma is confident that B is more delicious, and smiled before eating.

“B is overwhelmingly succulent, rich in flavor and soft.”

The steak that Mr. Ma thought was expensive was, of course, B. Not only does Ma choose the higher one, but also mentions the grade, 'B grade is prime and A grade is a choice.'

Looking at the results, A was $ 13 per pound (about 310 yen per 100g), B was $ 54 per pound (about 1300 yen per 100g), and B was nearly three times as expensive.

Mr. Ma delighted with the correct answer.

The next problem is stripping. In Japan, it is a part called sirloin, which is meat around the cow's waist.

Ma said immediately, “Two strips are in front of me, but A is obviously a Kobe beef.”

The reason for this is the high fat percentage and the wonderful marbling.

On the other hand, Mr. Ma affirmed, “It is a typical American beef, Black Angus”.

Mr. Ma, who was asked the Kobe beef, started explaining about Japanese beef. “Every Kobe beef is Wagyu beef, but all Wagyu beef is not Kobe beef.

The definition of Wagyu beef is a cross of four Japanese beef varieties, but Kobe beef is“ champagne ”in the sense of wine. Just as champagne refers to “sparkling wine produced in the Champagne region of France”, Kobe beef also means “Japanese beef produced in Kobe, Japan”

“Kobe beef is one of the rarest and most expensive meats. Only 3000 horses are certified and shipped every year.”

Next is a visual check.

“A looks like the highest grade A5 in Kobe beef. The shade is the lightest pink and the highest fat percentage.”

“I love Black Angus. B is the beef meat that was eaten just before shipping, and has a beautiful look that makes Marble more visible.”

“But I think I should cut it a little thinner. If I cut it thinly, the meat will become softer when eaten.”

Real food.

“A will have less time to bake because of its high fat percentage.”

Ma, who ate A, replied, 'It looks like butter.' “A has a strong meat sweetness and fat. Because there are few muscles, it took only a bite to bite.”

Next to B.

“A's Kobe beef was bitten by a bite, but it was a different food from Steak, but B looks exactly like Steak.”

“B's black Angus is prime grade. It tastes great. Both A and B are delicious, but it ’s a different kind of food.”

Ma chose A's Kobe beef to be expensive.

Looking at the price, A is $ 130 per pound (approx. 3100 yen per 100g), and B is $ 66 per pound (approx. 1600 yen per 100g).

“Kobe beef is very extravagant, but if you have the chance to eat it, it will be the best experience.”

The last issue is Tomahawk. Rib roast with ribs intact.

Tomahawk refers to meat that combines rib eye (light blue frame part), short rib (green frame), and part called deckle (yellow frame). Because the three parts are together, its size is super huge.

“Tomahawk has ribs, so the price per gram includes the weight of the bones, so I think it ’s a waste of money. But it ’s the most enjoyable part of the taste.”

Ma will compare the difference in appearance between A and B.

According to Ma, both A and B are tomahawks that have been “

dry-aged ”. Mr. Ma, who is dry aging all the meat provided at his own restaurant, started explanation about dry aging, 'Please tell me a little'.

“Dry ripening is the process of placing a piece of meat in a dry aging cabinet that controls temperature and humidity for a certain period of time.

“On dry ripening, natural enzymes break down the connective tissue of the meat and increase its softness, and the muscle fibers drain water and lose weight.”

“Drying and aging causes considerable changes in the meat itself. The change is particularly aroma, and the aroma after dry aging adds sweetness and richness. Even without it, the scent is strong enough to feel the scent. ''

According to Ma, A is Tomahawk that has been dry-aged for 100 days or 120 days. “The more mature it is, the more distinctive flavor is added, so if you have never eaten dry aged meat, we recommend starting with something that has been aged for 45-60 days.”

Next is the actual food part.

The cross section of A looks like this. It is wonderfully soft and rich in fat.

This is the cross section of B. The response when cutting with a knife seems to be firmer than A.

Mar decided that B had a short aging period because the cut surface was dark pink and fat was hard.

On the other hand, A has a strong marbling and is aged for a long time.

Next is a taste check.

Mr. Mar who ate A praised, “It is a wonderful tomahawk meat in all of its aroma, softness and juiciness. It feels fermented like blue cheese.”

On the other hand, “B” tastes quite good, but Ma immediately commented that “A was better”.

Of course, Mr. Ma chose A.

As a result, A was $ 42 per pound (about 1000 yen per 100g), and B was $ 35 per pound (about 840 yen per 100g), but Mr. Ma gave a correct answer.

Mr. Ma, who answered all questions correctly, concluded that steak is for everyone, from high-end to low-priced.

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log