A teenage boy who ate only junk food becomes `` blind state ''

Junk food is easy and addictive, but it is known that eating too much junk food will have a negative effect on your health. It was reported that a teenage boy living in England, who had eaten only junk food for many years, was blind.
Blindness Caused by a Junk Food Diet | Annals of Internal Medicine | American College of Physicians
Teen's Junk Food Diet Caused Him to Go Blind, Doctors Say | Live Science
How poor diet can can lead to blindness

A teenage boy living in England seems to have consulted with a doctor about fatigue when he was 14 years old. The boy was reported to have a nervous personality, and blood tests at that time confirmed anemia and
Eventually, the boy who was 15 years old became deaf and his vision decreased sharply. The cause of hearing loss and vision loss is unknown even after seeing a specialist in otorhinolaryngology or an ophthalmologist, and it seems that by the age of 17 the visual acuity was reduced to “0.1” even though it was corrected. If the corrected visual acuity is below 0.1, it will be “legally blind” in the United States, which will cause serious problems in daily life.
There, the boy visited the Bristol Eye Hospital , where he was diagnosed with optic neuropathy. Further testing revealed that the boy was deficient in nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, copper, and selenium, and that bone density was also low. When the doctor asked about the boy's diet, the boy had only eaten junk food such as French fries, potato chips, white bread, sliced ham and sausage since elementary school.

Although the boy had an extreme diet, the body mass index (BMI) was normal, and the height and weight were about the same as a teenage boy. The boy was also diagnosed as having impaired vision due to optic nerve damage caused by pure nutritional deficiencies without alcohol, smoking, or drug use. Although vision loss due to undernourishment can be caused by drugs, dietary deficiencies, and alcohol abuse, “they are rarely caused solely by food in developed countries,” the researchers wrote.
Optic neuropathy due to undernourishment may be restored if it is detected early, but in boys the discovery may have been delayed, and even if nutrition assistance is provided, the decrease in visual acuity only ceases. It was not reached. Dr. Denize Atan of Bristol Eye Hospital said, “Learning loss due to optic nerve damage cannot be corrected by the lens, and boy's eyesight will not improve.”

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