I tried Kirfebon's `` Queen Nina tart from Shimane prefecture '' which can taste the colorful large grapes as much as possible in my mouth

Queen Nina Tart from Shimane Prefecture ” has appeared from Kilfevon, a fruit tart familiar with plenty of fruit, and a large amount of large red grapes and

Queen Nina . I immediately tried to get a luxurious tart where the taste of grapes can be tasted directly.

[Grand Maison Ginza / Yokohama / Kyoto Limited Sale] Queen Nina Tart from Shimane

So I bought it.

This is 'Queen Nina Tart from Shimane', 1036 yen including tax per piece, and 9828 yen including tax for a 25cm diameter hole. However, only three stores,

Grand Maison Ginza store , Yokohama store, and Kyoto store , were offered, and there was no hall sales at the Kyoto store.

This is the size of one piece.

Compared to the size of the iPhone XS attached to the

Apple genuine case .

The cross section of the tart looks like this. The tart fabric is very thin and the Queen Ninabu with its beautiful cross-section is eye-catching.

The tightly laid Queen Nina is coated with gelatin so it doesn't slide off easily, but the pulp itself remains raw and juicy.

When eaten, Queen Nina is cut and topped with the skin, but the skin is thinner than ordinary grapes and feels little astringent. Both the skin and the flesh are crisp, yet the flesh is crisp and contains plenty of water and is very juicy.

A custard cream and a thin sponge fabric are placed on the thin tart fabric, and this will produce a tart feel in your mouth. However, the tart is just like a supporting character and the main is the fruit of Queen Nina. The sweetness of the tart and the refreshing sweetness and juiciness of the grapes harmonized well, and I felt that the tart was perfect for hot summer.

In addition, “Queenina Tart from Shimane” is 1036 yen including tax per piece, and 9828 yen including 25cm in diameter for a limited time from August 23, 2019 to the beginning of October.

in Tasting, Posted by logu_ii