Succeeded crossing the Dover Strait with 'Flyboard' where you can fly around the sky freely with a jet engine

August 4, 2019, a French inventor who
Franky Zapata Crosses Channel by hoverboard at second attempt | UK news | The Guardian
The flyboard invented by Zapata is a vehicle that lets you fly freely around the sky while standing on a machine equipped with a jet engine. Zapata flew over the parade on a flyboard in July 2019 to celebrate the National Day of France.
Flyboards fly freely around the sky in parade to celebrate France's National Day-GIGAZINE

Mr. Zapata challenged the Dover Strait crossing by fly board on July 25, 2019, which is 110 years, when the plane first crosses the Dover Strait. However, when Mr. Zapata tried to land on the ship for refueling, it was hit by a strong wind blowing through the strait, losing its balance and failing. We made a second challenge on the morning of August 4, 2019 and succeeded.
In fact, The Guardian of the foreign media is showing how Zappata succeeds in the Dover Strait Crossing Challenge in the following movie.
French inventor crosses Channel by hoverboard-YouTube
Mr. Zapata flying with flyboard from the coast of Sangat in northern France. The flyboard has five jet engines, and the levers at hand control the propulsion and attitude control. In addition, it is said that the backpack is loaded with kerosene in an amount sufficient to fly continuously for 10 minutes as fuel.
Many spectators watch over the coast from Mr. Zapata, which is getting smaller at a tremendous speed. Mr. Zapata's challenge has been attracting attention all over France, and an oversized relay monitor was installed along the Champs Elysées in Paris.

Zapata was guided by three helicopters and kept flying at speeds up to 177 km / h while maintaining an altitude of 15 to 20 meters above sea level. As the fuel only takes about 10 minutes, I landed on the ship once at the middle. After refueling, Zapata flew back to England. In addition, it is said that the French military warships, which invested in the development of the flyboard, were constantly monitoring the landing port of the supply ship to be larger by making use of the July reflection.

According to Mr. Zapata who succeeded in the challenge, it is necessary to step on the fly board during flight, so the burden on the thighs is tremendous. Furthermore, because the whole body receives strong wind resistance during flight, attitude control seems to be very difficult, Mr. Zapata 'At first I enjoyed the wind resistance, but I was not thinking about the pain caused by it. Said. Zapata spent three years developing flyboards and lost his two fingers with a jet engine turbine when he first conducted a flight experiment at home.
In about 22 minutes, Mr. Zapata arrived safely in

Mr. Zapata who crossed the Dover Strait wonderfully, people watching over the coast of England also give warm applause.

Mr. Cristel Zappata's wife rejoices with tearful success of Mr. Zapata's challenge. Zapata was working more than 15 hours a day to repair and adjust the flyboard as there was not enough time since the July challenge failure.

The complete Dover Strait Challenge by Mr. Zapata can be viewed from the live archive below.
Live: Franky Zapata's second try on Flyboard channel crossing law country '飞' refollow 战 飞跃 吉 吉-YouTube
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