What is the taste of “Sora Apollo”, which is named after the universe, what is it like? I ate and tried to make sure

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the small-grain chocolate classic
Lunar Landing 50th Anniversary! ! Large-grained Apollo, named after the universe Air Apollo 'July 30 limited release for a limited time [route limited products] | Corporate Information | Meiji Co., Ltd.
Apollo is a package that images the universe.

It shows the mascot character of Meiji Apollo, Apollo, going to the moon.

Apollo, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in August 2019, is shaped like the Apollo 11 spacecraft that succeeded in landing on the moon for the first time in humankind.

If you look at the raw material name, you can see that it contains blueberry juice powder and carbon dioxide in addition to chocolate-like ingredients like sugar, vegetable oil, lactose and so on.

The calorie is 242kcal per 42g in one box.
When I open the package quickly, I will ...

How to assemble was described inside the lid. Apollo's package will be assembled into 'Apollo will go to the moon! Special package'.

I will assemble it soon. First, bend the lid back.

Insert the part of the white star into the notch of the black star.

Completed. Earth and Saturn can be seen in the background of Apollo swimming in space.

Inside the box were seven individually wrapped air Apollos.

It is a feeling of such a size when it takes out from the package and puts it in the hand, and it is considerably larger than normal Apollo. The blue tip is soda-flavored chocolate with grape-flavored crispy candy, and the purple part under it is mixed berry-flavored chocolate.

When I try to eat, the soda and berry flavors are more refreshing than the original chocolate taste. Berry is an artificial type of taste like chewing gum, and it is associated with candy that, coupled with crackle candy that bites off in the mouth.

Let's compare with the main house Apollo, which has reached its 50th anniversary.

The size of one grain is like this, and the difference is clear.

The weight of the mid-air Apollo is 6g, while the weight of the normal Apollo is 2g.

When you usually eat Apollo, the outstanding compatibility of strawberries and chocolate is a taste that won't get bored forever, and you can realize why it has become a standard product for 50 years.

At the bottom of the box of Apollo, Apollo has a flag of Apollo on the moon, saying 'Thank you for the 50th anniversary!'.

Space life-like characters were drawn on the inner side of the box.

The price of 'Air Apollo' is 200 yen excluding tax. From July 30, 2019, it can be purchased at convenience stores around the country for a limited time and stalls in the station yard.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log