What is a natural material that increases corrosion resistance up to 99% to solve ship rust that causes 270 trillion yen damage worldwide?

The cost of corrosion caused by salt contained in seawater is as high as 270 trillion yen for ships alone. Compounds that are harmless to the human body have been extracted from 'mango leaves' while suppressing such corrosion by 99%.
Anticorrosive Performance of Mangifera indica L. Leaf Extract-Based Hybrid Coating on Steel | ACS Omega
Mango leaf extract can stop ships from rusting-SciDev.Net South-East Asia & Pacific
The team found a compound that inhibits corrosion from mango leaves is a research team led by Nishans Gopalan, who works at the National Institute of Science and Technology in Thiruvananthapuram, India. According to Goparan, the focus on 'plants' as a source of corrosion inhibitors has increased in the past decades, so research has focused on mango leaves that are rich in polyphenols with antioxidant components. .

The research team extracts the extract from dried mango leaves and combines it with precipitated amorphous silica to produce a compound. Compounding the finished compound with the coating epoxy resin, the anticorrosion is increased to 99%.

Because this compound uses mango leaf extract as its main ingredient, it seems harmless to the human body and environmentally friendly. Goparan explains that the corrosion resistance of this compound is due to the organic iron compound polyphenol iron complex.
Verification of corrosion resistance and formation of compounds are still at the laboratory level, but the International Association for Corrosion Corrosion Engineers (NACE) has announced that the total amount of corrosion damage on ships is as high as 270 trillion yen annually worldwide. If new anti-corrosion measures are discovered, it can be of benefit to the whole world.
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log