`` KanColle '' figure summary that has dispatched to one festival with sexy costumes for hot summer

4-02-06 ' Piyo Piyodo ' discovered Kaohsiung in a bikini.

The wrinkle of the swimsuit creates the realism of the chest.

There was also a bunny version.

Bunny Kaohsiung equipped with a knee is equipped with a garter belt.

An umbrella and a terrestrial shaved are a new model for Wonfes.

Energetic Prinz Eugen is riding a wave like summer.

The sound that the navel looked. Love love that does not seem to have the nickname of 'Funk ship'.

In 5-32-12 “

The hair is made of clear resin, and the shade of color is expressed perfectly.

Kotakaaratame two a 5-02-03 '

The trunk is protected with a black inner. The armor part of the left arm is a unique wig of heavy cruiser, and the lightning of the left eye expresses the brightness that is characteristic of Furutaka.

In 6-16-07 '

Leve is also a tentacle prey.

It was a figure that the tentacles could reach the buttocks a little more.

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