'Giraffe Mets Super-Stimulated Watermelon' Tasting Review that Exquisitely Reproduces the Blue Smell of Watermelon

Kirin Mets Super Stimulus Watermelon has been added to Kirin Mets, a carbonated beverage that marks its 40th anniversary in 2019. Among the less major watermelon-flavored beverages, Mets bought and drank what kind of watermelon-flavored beverage it became.

Kirin Metz Super Stimulating Watermelon | Soft Drinks | Products |


The label 'Giraffe Mets Super Stimulating Watermelon' has a watermelon-like design.

The foamy watermelon is behind the 'Mets' logo.

As it is non-fruit juice, the raw material does not contain watermelon, but sugars, micro crush jelly, salt and so on are used. Because it is 15kcal per 100ml, one 480ml pet bottle is 72kcal.

It has a light pink color with a feeling like watermelon juice.

The taste is indeed 'watermelon', but rather than when I was scratching the watermelon, I felt the watermelon juice was slightly diluted and sweetened and dissolved in soda water. It is strange that it has a slightly bluish flavor near the skin of watermelon ......

For “Giraffe Mets Super Stimulating Watermelon,” a tax of ¥ 140 is applicable. In Amazon, 24 sets are sold for 2653 yen, and it is possible to purchase for 111 yen per one.

Amazon | Kirin Metz Hyper-Stimulated Watermelon 480 ml PET x 24 | Mets | Carbonated Beverage Store

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt