English dictionary tool 'English Copyro-kun' review where the meaning of English words can be examined at detonation speed with 'Ctrl + C' alone.

When browsing overseas sites via the Internet, it takes time to decipher it if all content is written in English. Although useful tools such as Google Translate have appeared, the accuracy of automatic translation is not high yet, and there should be many people who can not let go of the English-Japanese dictionary to understand the contents correctly. ' English

copyo- kun ' free published by youwht is a desktop English dictionary tool that allows you to find out the meaning of English words simply by copying to the clipboard, so you no longer need to bother comparing PC monitors and electronic dictionaries You

Learn more about English Copyro: Vector Find Software!

A story that made a fast desktop English dictionary tool (English copyman)-Qiita

English Copyro is distributed in Windows and Mac versions in Vector. Click 'Download Here' on the distribution page to obtain it.

Click 'To download page'.

Click 'Download this software now' and save the ZIP file. The capacity is 35.1 MB.

The downloaded EigoCopi.zip deployment capabilities and standard Windows

Explzh using software such as thawed, if the start-up by double-clicking the EigoCopi.exe in the folder where the came out OK.

This is what happens when you start English copy.

The following browser shows

H. G. Wells 's ' Time Machine '. For example, if you do not know the word 'remarkably' in it, drag to select it, Ctrl + C shortcut, or right-click and select Copy to paste it on the clipboard.

Then, at the next moment, the meaning of 'remarkably' and the adjective 'remarkable' with the same stem is displayed in the window of English Kopiro-kun. English Copyo instantly displays the meaning of the English word just by selecting the English word you want to check and copying it to the clipboard.

However, only the meaning of one word can be checked. Even if you select and copy sentences collectively ...

I could not find out the meaning. It should be noted that English copyo is a 'dictionary tool' to the last, not a translation tool.

By the way, it is said that English Copyro has a dictionary of 65,000 words by default. In addition, by importing the text data of the English language, which is compiled by the translator / interpreter group EDP (Electronic Dictionary Project), it can be expected to be active as a high-performance dictionary of 2.3 million words. The text data of Eijiro can be purchased for 486 yen including tax on the following page.

Text Data of Eijiro Ver. 144.6 (March 20, 2015 Edition)-EDP-BOOTH

in Review,   Software, Posted by log1i_yk