Four questions to determine if you have 'burnout'

Everybody should feel stressed at work, but too much stress can cause ' burnout '. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized burnout as a 'factor affecting health status' and the risk is being recognized worldwide , researchers at the South Australia Institute of Health Care (SAHMRI) It is about the industry which is easy to be judged whether it is Michael Musker who has become burnout and the business which is easy, and measures are summarized.
Are you burnt out at work? Ask yourself these 4 questions
As a major condition of burnout syndrome, 'Emotion loss, energy exhaustion, feeling of fatigue', 'My heart is far from work, I have negative, cynical feelings about work,' 'As a specialist Labor efficiency will decrease.
In a modern environment where work emails reach smartphones and PCs, Musker pointed out that switching between work and private is becoming more difficult. As work stress causes burnout syndromes, employers need to take care of them as a new occupational health problem identified by the WHO and deal with chronic work stress.

When it comes to checking if you have burned out, the following four questions are valid, says Musker.
◆ 1: Have you asked someone close to you to reduce your work recently?
◆ 2: In recent months, have you been upset or angry with your work colleagues or clients?
◆ 3: Do you feel guilty for not spending time for family, friends, or yourself because of work?
◆ 4: Have you recently become more emotional about crying, anger, yelling, or nervousness?
If any one of these questions answers 'yes', that person may be nearing burnout. Mr. Masker advises that if you notice you are likely to burn out, you should consult with your supervisor, industrial physician or counselor.

People have the ability to cope with a variety of emotional and physical stress, but if the stress over the capacity of the individual is felt, the body can not cope and it will develop into a state such as burnout syndrome. People with burnout experience a sense of fatigue, become indifferent to work, become cluttered with colleagues and clients, and lose enthusiasm for career advancement. There is nothing good for the workplace or for the employer, as it makes you laugh at work and is less efficient. Although the burnout syndrome itself is not a mental disorder, it sometimes causes more serious problems such as alcoholism and depression.
The type of business prone to burnout is often related to people, including teachers, caregivers and retail staff. In addition, the occupations such as police, paramedics, nurses and doctors are particularly prone to burnout because they work in particularly stressful situations. In a study of more than 15,000 physicians in the United States, as many as 44% experienced burnouts. Also, a survey of people working in the emergency department in France shows that as many as 34% of people have burnouts.
At the same time, lawyers are also known as highly burn-out jobs. According to a survey of 1000 people working in London's famous law firms, as many as 73% of people reported being out of burns, of which 58% said they had problems with work-life balance. Of course, Masker points out that not only these specialized occupations but also any kind of occupation can continue to be exposed to chronic stress, leading to burnout.

The employer has a duty to improve employee welfare and to ensure that employees are not overwhelmed or stressed out, Musker said. Workers also need to learn to switch between work and private, manage the range of work they are responsible for, and increase their ability to recover from work stress, thinking about playing in leisure in order to cope with burnout syndrome And.
The important thing is to make sure that no matter what profession, only work is my life. If he realized that his work made her life miserable, Mr. Musker advised that if he quit his job or turned to another job, he might find a surprising option.

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