'Uncle sentence generator' which can create 'Uncle LINE' which is often drawn by pictograms and punctuation masashi with one button.

3qgt 's has developed and published 'Uncle sentence generator' is, Mr. gray -san 'was developed ojichat obtained by web service the', 'to abuse the face characters and emoticons,' 'heavy use of punctuation,' 'profusely They automatically generate sentences that capture the characteristics of messages that middle-aged men send to young women, such as inviting them to rice, 'How to give praise is exquisitely uncomfortable', and 'Name is correct'. It is available for free from the browser of PC and smartphone.

Uncle sentence generator

The so-called 'Uncle LINE' is the message that the there is any feature, Suremi has an easy-to-read summary at Sanga following tweet.

This is what you get when you access the Uncle Sentence Generator from your smartphone's browser. Enter the name of the person to whom you want to send a message in the 'Name' field and click 'Generate' ...

'Uncle LINE' has been generated. It starts from the greeting with chan, 'I went to Yamaguchi on a business trip' and repeat my sudden narrative, 'Mochiron, GIGAZINE Chan and Ne' and it is a content that also includes an invitation to travel in a sloppy manner, this is a man Even the editorial staff at the office will draw a little.

'Emoji level' can be adjusted from 0 to 9 by moving the slide bar. When I try to generate sentences with pictogram level 9 for trial, I feel the following. While it is not only busy asking for Italians and ryokans at the same time as morning greetings, it has become too difficult to read with too many emoticons.

You can also adjust from 0 to 3 by moving the slide bar at the 'punctuation mark level' for many uses of punctuation that are often found in the Uncle LINE. The pictogram level is set to 0 for trial and the punctuation level is set to 3 below. Even if the pictogram level is 0, the pictograms are still used, and it is quite difficult to read, probably because punctuation is often used ignoring the original intention, such as 'I'll work tomorrow, but,' .

The pictograph level and the punctuation mark level are all adjusted to the maximum value. 'I want to do it,' while saying 'I'm sorry,' the content that suddenly gives up, 'If you get this message sent, it seems that you are apt to be much more afraid than aversion. If you click the button at the bottom, you can tweet the generated message on Twitter or send it on LINE.

In Twitter,

# uncle sentence generator along with the URL of the hash tag and uncle sentence generator that, the generated text will be posted.

LINE can send a sentence to any person with a hashtag. However, the generated text may be quite powerful, so be careful about who you are sending and when.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk