It turns out that 'difference in sleep' is the reason why people's personality can predict their life span
There are various factors that affect human lifespan, such as intelligence and the economic status of the family, but it is known that the character of the person is also related to the lifespan. A study investigating why personality affects lifespan revealed that 'difference in sleep by personality' was a factor that links personality to lifespan.
Sleep: A Pathway Linking Personality to Mortality Risk-ScienceDirect
Researchers Identify Sleep As A Key Reason Why Personality Traits Predict Longevity-Research Digest
“We found that sleep is related to both personality and lifespan, but it is clear whether sleep is linking them,” said Shantel Spears, a researcher at the University of West Virginia who studied. It wasn't done. ”
The research team led by Spears is about the personality of individuals who were answered in thousands of surveys conducted in the United States between 1995 and 1996, and the sleep times and quality of those surveyed between 2004 and 2006. Based on the survey results, we studied whether sleep affected the relationship between personality and lifespan. The two surveys revealed the personality and sleep tendency of about 4,000 people, and surveyed the life and death of the study subjects as of October 2015.
According to the survey, it was found that the risk of death is increased by about 10% when sleeping time is longer or shorter by 65 minutes than the average 7 hours. We also found that people who have low scores on Conscientiousness, one of the five elements of the Big Five personality trait , also have a high risk of death. Studies have shown that people with low integrity scores have shorter sleep times and worse sleep quality. It's unclear why a low integrity score will result in poor sleep quality, but it is possible that people who are concerned may be concerned with places that tend to be late in bedtime.
It has also been shown that people with a high score for 'Neuroticism' are more likely than average to sleep and have an increased risk of death. People who fall into this trend also tend to get tired during the day, and Spears points out that sleep quality may be poor.
Being tired during the day was a tendency to be seen even by people with a low “Extraversion” score, and again, the risk of death was higher for those who did.
It has long been known that people's personality can help predict their life expectancy, and the reason has been considered to be that 'the honest people have less smoking, drinking and eating habits'. Although there are restrictions such that many of the subjects of this survey are highly educated white people, and that their personality and sleeping time are based on self-reporting, Mr. Spears said 'It was suggested that the difference in character is what causes life expectancy to be predictable.'
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