There are more microorganisms in the beard than dog hair


João Jesus

In recent years, many people develop 'beards' as fashionable, and there are many who have long beards from the chin to the side of their ears. As a result of comparing such a beard with a dog's hair, it has become clear that the extended beard has more microorganisms than the dog's hair.

A multicenter study to establish hygiene facts related to dogs and men | SpringerLink How is it safe to have a dog in the MRI scanner before your own examination?

Here's What That Study Comparing Beard And Dog Microbes Was Actually About

With the advancement of animal-related medical technology, the lifespan of pets has also been extended, and the importance of diagnostic imaging techniques for diagnosing diseases has also increased accordingly. However, MRI requires a large amount of money for introduction and maintenance, and many animal hospitals do not have MRIs dedicated to animals. It would be useful if you could scan your pet using MRI in a human medical facility, but in many cases it would be said that if you let your pet use the same equipment as a human being, zoonoses would be transmitted. Concerns have been raised and MRI will not be used to diagnose animals.

Therefore, research teams in Switzerland and Austria have asked for the amount of micro-organisms in human beard and dog hair in order to find out that there is no hygienic problem in imaging pet dogs using MRI for humans. Compared.


Faith Goble

The research team had a disease related to the brain or spinal cord and collected microbial samples from the mouth and hair of 30 dogs who visited the hospital for an MRI examination. In addition, 18 bearded men who visited the hospital for MRI examinations for comparison purposes also collected microbial samples from their mouths and beards.

As a result of analyzing the collected microbial samples, samples from human beard showed high levels of microbial content in all 18 people. On the other hand, in the case of dogs, 7 out of 30 showed moderate levels of microbial activity, and the remaining 23 showed high levels of microbial activity similar to humans.

In addition, when we examined microorganisms that would be pathogens for humans, 7 out of 18 in humans and 4 out of 30 in dogs revealed microorganisms that could be human pathogens. From this result as well, the research team concludes that testing dogs with the same MRI as humans is not a major health problem.

In addition, research teams are conducting research to analyze the amount of microorganisms by comparing human-specific MRI and pet-specific MRI. Then, it became clear that the MRI for human beings inhabits significantly more microorganisms than the MRI for pets. This difference seems to be related to the fact that MRI for pets is routinely disinfected.

The results of this study suggest that testing a dog in a human-use MRI does not pose any particular health hazard. However, it should be understood that just because there are many microorganisms in the beard, not all of them are harmful to

humans , and sometimes there are microorganisms that are beneficial to humans . .

by Gaurav Sood

in Science,   Creature, Posted by log1h_ik