Scientific verification is in progress what kind of influence the manufacturing method unique to 'Tennesee whiskey' has on whiskey


Bobby Rodriguezz

The world-famous whiskey ' Jack Daniel ' is one of the whiskey classed as 'Tennessee Whiskey.' In order to name 'Tennessee Whiskey', first of all, the condition necessary to name 'Bourbon Whiskey' is satisfied, then it is Whiskey from Tennessee, and sugar maple charcoal is used. filtration ( Rokka ) There are two conditions that need to be met, but scientific research is underway to find out what effect this filtration process has.

Spring 2019 National Meeting & Exposition

Understanding what makes Tennessee whiskey unique | EurekAlert! Science News

There really is something unique about Tennessee whiskey, study finds | Ars Technica

The research was conducted by the team of Trenton Carley and John Peter Munafo at the University of Tennessee, and presented at the American Chemical Society held on March 31, 2019.

'Bourbon' is not defined in Japan and is summarized as 'whiskeys', but in the United States, 'made in the U.S.', '51% or more corn content', 'distilled with less than 80% alcohol content' It only refers to whiskey that meets the requirements, such as being manufactured and manufactured in a new oak barrel with a carbonized coating on the inside.

by Michael Mroczek

'Tennessee Whiskey' meets all of Bourbon's requirements, is manufactured in Tennessee, and is filtered with sugar maple (sugar maple) charcoal immediately after distillation. 'Lincoln County Process (LCP) You have to go through a process called

Curley and others focused on LCP, a process unique to Tennessee Whiskey, to find out how it affected whiskey.

As a result, it was found that there is a significant change in the amount of the aroma active compound that is the source of the flavor through LCP. Some things have been reduced by 30% to 50%.

The contents presented at the American Chemical Society are just excerpts of research, and are the basic part of Carley's master's thesis. A full version of the paper will be submitted to the Journal of Agricultural Chemistry at the end of 2019.

in Food, Posted by logc_nt