The mystery of the beach where a large amount of Garfield telephone flows from one to another

For decades, a mystery has been transmitted in Brittany, France, saying, 'For some reason, a large number of
Solved: The 35-Year-Old Mystery of the Garfield Phones on a French Beach-Atlas Obscura
Claire Simonin-Le Meur, head of a volunteer group 'Ar Viltanso' who cleans the coast once a month, is 40 years old as of March 2019, but says that 'I found Garfield's phone when I was a child' It says that many people know that.
Garfield's phone was released by the American toy company 'Tyco' in the 1980s. The phone was designed to open Garfield's eyes when the handset was lifted.

Why are Garfield's phones rolling in large numbers on the coast? That was the mystery of many locals. So far, the theory that 'the container has fallen from the ship and sinks into the sea and the contents gradually rise to the beach' is a powerful theory, and Meur has believed that. France's news media,
Meur, who helped with the article on FranceInfo, but by chance after meeting the article, I happened to meet a man, René Morvan, who knows 'the cause of the Garfield phone'.
Morvan is a 57-year-old man who runs a farmhouse adjacent to the beach. According to Morvan, a big storm hit the shores around Morvan around the age of 20 and then Garfield phones began to appear on the beach. As a result of investigation by Morvan and his younger brother who wondered the existence of Garfield telephone, they find that a container for transportation is caught in a cave in the cliff. Most of the time, the container is submerged in the water, but it seems to sometimes appear at low tide.
Having heard this story, Meur visited a cave at low tide with several volunteers, and found hundreds of Garfield phone shards with metal scraps of containers. Some of the fragments are still shaped like handsets, and the buttons are still ready to read numbers. The fact that the container could be confirmed solved the decades-old mystery, but Ar Viltanso also sees that Garfield phones ripped off the shore may have come from another container in another location That's right.
An image of when this actually explored a cave.
Le mystère des téléphones Garfield échoues enfin résolu-YouTube
People walking in the rocky area.

Where men point to ...

There was a figure of a rusty container.

A piece of metal is scattered around.
And what this man picked up between the stones ...

Garfield phone.

There was also something like code.

This is a fragment of Garfield phone found.

The mystery of Garfield Phones seems to be a glorious topic at first glance, but it is very serious in the context of the microplastic pollution that has been viewed as a problem in recent years.
Contaminant 'micro plastic' was in the stomach of 73% fish of the Atlantic deep sea layer-GIGAZINE

Microplastics are small pieces of plastic, which are consumed by fish in the ocean and can be taken into the body of the food chain, and there is a risk that humans will take them into the body, and table salts made from seawater also contain microplastics. It is said that Garfield phones can also be broken into tiny particles that can be incorporated into the human body via the ocean.
'It takes 400 years to disassemble the plastic.' 'Invisible like a large plastic, tiny plastic exists everywhere, including air, water, sand,' Meur Said.
Thousands of containers fall into the sea every year on earth. According to FranceInfo, which first published an article about Garfield telephones, 1500 to 15,000 containers will be lost in a year. It is known that pesticides and highly flammable substances such as sulfur and nitrocellulose have fallen even in the limited section of Oki in France and 1993.
Even if it is a toxic substance, one immediately forgets what has fallen into the sea. However, the distinctive item of Garfield Telephone is easy to remember. 'I think if you open your mind to things that you would not normally be interested in, and listen to the story of what has fallen into the ocean,' Meur said.
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