'YouTube RatingBars' shows the rate of high rating and low rating before watching YouTube movie

YouTube's 'high ratings' and 'low ratings' is a system that allows viewers to communicate movie ratings to creators with a single click, but if you can see the percentage of high and low ratings before you watch a movie You can refer to whether or not to watch the movie, or avoid a movie that is too low in quality and has a low rating. YouTube RatingBars is a script for Chrome and Firefox that allows you to check at a glance the percentage of high and low ratings before opening individual pages of a movie.

YouTube RatingBars (Like / Dislike Rating)


◆ Installation
Before installing YouTube RatingBars, you must first install the extension 'Tampermonkey' in your browser.

Tampermonkey-Chrome Web Store

Get an extension for Tampermonkey-Firefox (ja)

This time, I will install it on Google Chrome. Access the distribution page and then click Add to Chrome.

You will be asked if you want to add 'Tampermonkey', so click 'Add Extension'.

The addition of 'Tampermonkey' is completed if the display like the following image is displayed.

Next, go to the YouTube RatingBars

distribution page and click Install Script.

Click Install again. In particular, no notification is displayed to indicate that the installation is complete.

◆ I tried using
This is the result of a search on the

most profitable YouTube channel ' Ryan ToysReview ' from 2017 to 2018. Most of the bars are blue and some movies have a high percentage of ratings ...

About 40% of the whole is grayed out, and there are movies that have a lot of low ratings.

The search results in the state where 'YouTube RatingBars' is not installed look like this. You can see that there is a difference in the amount of information when you look at the search results at a glance.

It should be noted that the movie that is to put together YouTuber of 2017-2018 is YouTube official that has been rated low more than 15 million by fans who have been disappointed because some popular YouTuber did not appear This is the result of a search on the movie '

YouTube Rewind 2018 '. It can be seen that most of the bars are gray and most of the people who rate are rated low.

In the debate over YouTube's rating system, it is not always the case that the movie's quality is reflected, such as the YouTube creators team referring to the 'dislike mobs' that systematically put low ratings without watching videos. It's hard to say, but if you know a movie that has a high percentage of low ratings, you can use it to help you identify low quality movies that have made a lot of views and movies that have caught fire.

in Review,   Software, Posted by log1l_ks