'It's time we're all up for the web,' says web father Tim Berners-Lee

Inventing the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, also called the 'Father of the Web,' presented three issues to consider for a free and open web.
Tim Berners-Lee's annual letter on the World Web's 30th anniversary — Quartz
Thirty years after Tim Berners-Lee invented the basic mechanics of the Web, half of the world is now connected and the Web is enriching people's lives. On the other hand, the web has the side of spreading hatred and promoting crime on the web. While it seems almost impossible to change the Internet with the power of the individual, Berners-Lee considers how much the Web has changed in the last 30 years, He points out that it is not impossible to change.

Regarding the issues facing the Web today, Berners-Lee proposes three things:
◆ 1. Malicious attacks such as hacks, criminal acts, and online harassment supported by the state
'It's impossible to eradicate this problem altogether, but it is possible, as we have done in the past, to minimize the incidence of crime through laws and regulations,' says Berners-Lee. Working with governments and businesses around the world through the World Wide Web Foundation , just as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , International Law of the Sea , and the Treaty of Space have created mechanisms for people around the world to share fundamental human rights and interests. He is trying to make a new agreement. The agreement calls on governments to ensure that economic activity on the web remains an innovative, vibrant and open place, and gives governments the tools they need for the digital age. There are provisions that require you to develop laws and regulations. It also calls on internal government agencies to appoint open web champions to protect the public interest of the web and protect the open web.

◆ 2. A mechanism that allows you to earn profit by initiating a “ clickbait ” that deliberately clicks with a sensational headline or thumbnail image
'Companies are required to make more efforts to ensure that the pursuit of short-term interests does not jeopardize human rights, democracy, academics, or the security of people,' said Berners-Lee. And suggests that clickbait must reconsider a profitable system. Also, in 2019, many high-tech companies have started working for practical work, and the World Wide Web Foundation will support the work.
◆ 3. The negative effects of speech on the web distorted by hatred and bias
'If we don't choose politicians who protect the free and open web, and if we don't play a role in protecting the web as a sound and constructive forum for speech, one day ourselves will be light You're going to be nervous, 'emphasizes Berners-Lee. On top of that, it is most important that everyone who connects to and benefits from the web respects the free and open web and encourages governments and businesses to be accountable. .

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in Note, Software, Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks