The Free Software Foundation announces that 'Web Environment Integrity' that Google is promoting is 'all-out attack on the free Internet'

Why is `` Web Environment Integrity (WEI) '', which Google is formulating as a new web standard, is said to be the worst, and why must it be loudly opposed? We have published an article describing 'attack'.
'Web Environment Integrity' is an all-out attack on the free Internet — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software

For details on what 'Web Environment Integrity' is, the information is summarized in the following article.

Simply put, the WEI provides developers with an API to approve only certain browser configurations, making it a 'collection of hyperlinked pages accessible from a wide variety of machines, programs and operating systems. 'It's an antithesis to the concept of the Internet,' said Greg Farrow of the Free Software Foundation.
WEI allows a server to ask a third-party verification service whether a user's browsing environment has been altered before displaying a web page. This means that, for example, it will be possible to ``refuse page display to people using free OSs and browsers''.
Google is known to have once had a code of conduct ' don't be evil ', but Mr. Farrow said, ``With the rapid progress of WEI, Google's policy is to pioneer evil. It's no exaggeration to say that it's happened,' he said, adding, 'As I write this article, Google's talented, highly paid engineers and executives are learning what makes the web the web. We are trying to dismantle it,' he said.
'Given that Google is one of the world's largest companies, what is needed to save the Internet as we know it is a clear, principled stance for freedom and a strong commitment to the Web,' said Farrow. It's about collectively supporting the broadside of the underlying community.'
At the end of the article, Farrow reaffirmed the WEI's lack of legitimacy, stating, 'I urge everyone involved in Google's decision-making to consider the principles on which the web was founded and to carefully examine whether the WEI is aligned with those principles. I urge you to think about it, recognize that the WEI is fundamentally incompatible with a free Internet, and stop standardization work immediately.'
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