Editors of academic journals of publisher 'Elsevier' resign all at once, launching a new open access journal



All editorial members of the Journal of Informetrics owned by Elsevier will resign on January 11, 2019 and start a new open access journal `` Quantitative Science Studies '' from January 14, 2019. Announced. With respect to scientific papers that Elsevier publishes for a fee, it is often a problem that the price of the browsing system is too high, and the resignation of the editorial board is one of the movements against Elsevier's method.

Open-access row prompts editorial board of Elsevier journal to resign

Elsevier journal editors resign, start rival open-access journal

The following is the document sent to Elsevier by the former editorial board member of the informatics journal. The editors argue that journals should be owned by the academic community, not the publisher, and that articles should be openly accessible and open-sourced on a fair basis. I am.

Resignation Letter

In response, Tom Reller, Vice President of Elsevier, said, 'After hearing their concerns, we have explained our position and made specific suggestions to bridge the gap between them and us. 'In the end they decided to step down. We respect their decision and wish them further development,' he said in a statement.

Letter to JOI Board 09Oct18 NN

There have been cases where the editorial board of an academic journal owned by Elsevier quit and started another journal. However, it is rare that subscription-type journals that are the top of the field, such as informatics journals, will be completely converted to open-access journals.

Elsevier publishes subscription-type academic journals, but it is said that a number of universities are canceling their paper subscription contracts because subscription fees are too high . It was also news that large customers such as Max Planck Institute and the Hungarian Consortium forgot to renew their contracts.

Ludo Waltman, the editor-in-chief of the informatics journal, plans to take office as the editor-in-chief of a new academic journal as soon as the contract with Elsevier expires, but the end date of the contract is undecided at the time of writing the article. According to Waltman, the editorial board agrees that it will review papers it has already received, but will not review new papers that have been submitted. 'Most importantly, the authors who have already submitted their papers are not adversely affected by this case, which both Elsevier and the editorial board agree with,' Waltman said.



The new academic journal 'Quantitative Science Studies' will be published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press), with the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics being the main body. According to Cassidy Sugimoto of ISSI, negotiations between the journal of informatics and Elsevier lasted more than 18 months, and resigning was not easy.

Funding is the most difficult part of running an open access journal, and in this regard, Quantitative Science Studies will begin with the support of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Library (MIT Library). In order to open access to all papers, ISSI members are required to pay a processing fee of $600 (about 65,000 yen) and non-members $800 (about 87,000 yen). This is much lower than the Elsevier subscription fee (about 200,000 yen). The German National Science and Technology Library will cover the researchers who cannot afford to pay the fee for three years.

Chris Bourg, MIT Library's representative, said on Quantitative Science Studies's support: 'This is a world in which we have a fair and lasting access to the many meaningful information that powers and inspires humanity.' Is one of the carefully considered strategies to use our resources to support changes in scholarly communication that are consistent with our vision.'

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