For the 50th anniversary commemorative event of Hagio Oimura's painting 'Heart of Toma' Searching for illustrations original illustrations

Megumi Hagio, a cartoonist who has sent out numerous works since the 1970's, such as "Tom's Heart", "Poe's Clan", "Eleven!" Will celebrate the 50th anniversary of painting in 2019. A commemorative event is planned according to this, and the Monthly Flowers editorial department is searching for the door illustration original picture of "Tom's heart" released as a reader present.
【Looking for a door illustration (Original document) of 'Tom's Heart'】
- Monthly Flowers Editorial Department (@ flowers_edit) 27th December 2018
For details, please see the following page.
I'm looking for a door illustration (original document) of "Tom's Heart"!

"Toma's Heart" was one of the masterpieces of Mr. Hagio who was serialized in Weekly Shojo Comic in 1974. The result of the first questionnaire in the series was requested to be discontinued at the lowest level and furthermore it was said that the book of "Poe's family" serialized in a separate volume girl comic was good so that it draws a sequel of "Po" It is a work that Mr. Hagio carried out serial series of all 33 times by dodge it.
The Flowers editorial department is searching for originals of the door illustration of "The heart of Tomah" who presented to the reader gifts at the planning of the weekly girls' comics then published on December 22 from the May 12 issue 32 minutes to the minute. Of these, the August 11th issue and November 10th issue are color.
Even if you cooperate with the project, the manuscript will be returned, so please try looking for those who are familiar with it.
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