A method of improving accuracy up to almost 100% by attaching a lie detector to a detecting dog has been developed

Dogs are said to have a sense of smell that can be perceived up to one hundred times as many as people, and have been used by humans for their excellent olfactions such as hound dogs, police dogs, airport narcotic investigation dogs, and explosive detection dogs. At the Russian airport hiring a detection dog for security, it seems that succeeded in raising the detection precision of dogs and explosives by dogs to about 100% by attaching a lie detector to a dog.
A jackal's nose for the job
At the Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow, Russia, a detecting dog that detects explosives and harmful substances by smell is working as a member of the security department. This sounding dog is Jackal Hybrid which is a mix of Leica and Kimiro jackal and has worked at Sheremetyevo Airport for about 14 years.
Although dogs and jackals are strictly different species, individuals with breeding ability are born even if they are crossed because they are closely related. The birth Jackal Hybrid has a better olfaction than ordinary dogs. As the biologist Klim Sulimov who worked at the Soviet Interior Ministry thought about this breeding in the late 1980s, the Jackal Hybrid seems to be sometimes called "Sulimov Dog". Mr. Sulimov says, "Before breeding and tameing, I tried to reproduce a dog about 100,000 years ago."

Jackal Hybrid's puppy is trained as a detective dog for three months, but he told me that he will be taken to the airport one month after birth to get used to the "workplace". The first step in training is to be able to sit instantly when listening to the sound of ringing the finger.
However, in the conventional method of conducting an investigation using a dog, there is a case that a dog makes a lie that a dog "discovered" too much because he / she wants a "feign" to find dangerous goods or explosives That's right. Therefore, the actual accuracy will stay at only 60%. Azat Zaripov, Deputy Director of the Aero Float Air Safety Bureau, says, "Lies lying on dogs are difficult to detect, dogs do not smile and do not wink."
However, the new method devised by the Aero Float Air Safety Administration has improved the detection accuracy of hazardous materials and bombs to approximately 100%. Actually, about 1000 times of experiments were carried out and it was only 8 times that made the mistake.

This new method is to wear a device to observe biological activity such as electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram, respiration, etc. to a dog. The observation result of the device is sent to the computer that the investigator will obtain in real time. According to Mr. Zalipov, it is still in the early stages of development and the device is quite bulky, but it is said that even small dogs are already enough to carry around.
Either sitting in order to inform you that the dog has found something, whether you are really sitting down and sitting down, sitting down lying about the desire to reluctantly monitor the central nervous system such as electroencephalograms and electrocardiograms It seems easy to distinguish with. In other words, by attaching a lie detector to a dog, we are dramatically improving the precision of dog detection. Also, as we can see that we are lying from vital signs like human beings, it was shown that the "dog feel" exists also in dogs
Zalipov says "Even if it is the most expensive, every kind of equipment has certain limitations on its operating characteristics.The sense of smell of the Jackal Hybrid is said to be 10 times better than the machine, but human beings Tends to trust machines that clearly show precise measurement results. " At the Sheremetyevo International Airport, three jackal hybrids were bred and introduced seriously as a detection dog into the security system.
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