Microsoft officially acknowledges Chromium-based browser development, Mozilla told Edge 'goodbye'

On December 6, 2018, Microsoft, as was reported for a while, in the development of Microsoft Edge which is the default browser of Windows 10, we abandoned the continuation of the proprietary browser engine "EdgeHTML", and the open source project "Google Chromium We officially announced that we will adopt. Also, in response to this announcement, Mozilla, which develops Firefox, has released comments on the official blog.
Microsoft Edge: Making the web better through more open source collaboration - Windows Experience BlogWindows Experience Blog
Microsoft Edge, the successor browser of Internet Explorer, is a web browser that is adopted as a standard on Windows 10 with the proprietary browser engine "EdgeHTML" " Chakra ". However, leak information was reported that it is developing based on Chromium which is an open source project involving Google, Opera, etc, because we can not deprive share of rival browser such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox It was.
Microsoft is developing a new browser based on "Chromium" "Anaheim" - GIGAZINE

Joe Belfiore, Microsoft's corporate division vice president, said in an official Windows blog, "Microsoft will adopt a Chromium open source project to develop Microsoft Edge on the desktop," Microsoft also acknowledged the press, We acknowledged that we would make a full contribution to the project.
Belfiore explains in the blog that "I will migrate to a Chromium compatible platform to improve compatibility and reduce the burden of web developers." Also, Chromium-based Microsoft Edge will be delivered and updated on all supported versions of Windows and Microsoft Edge will be available on other OS such as macOS. According to Mr. Belfiore, the preview build will be delivered in early 2019.
Microsoft developed Microsoft's "EdgeHTML" and " Chakra " and promoted its own web browser different from Google Chrome and Firefox, but "Reasons for Increasing Compatibility and Reducing the burden on web developers" as reasons for Chromium adoption I can say that I finally acknowledged that Chromium is the de facto standard of a web browser by implication.
To this announcement, Mozilla, which develops Firefox which is also a competitor of Edge and Chrome, has published an article entitled "Goodbye, Edge HTL" on the official blog.
Goodbye, EdgeHTML - The Mozilla Blog

"From a business point of view Microsoft's decision may make sense - Google is almost completely controlling the infrastructure of online life, and even if we continue to develop Edge HTL, We can not raise it, Google is a fierce competitor who owns exceptionally talented staff and proprietary assets exclusively, "you can also understand that Microsoft moved to Chromium based before Google's influence these days. I said.
On the other hand, Firefox is equipped with an engine " Gecko " that Mozilla can proceed with development, but "Mozilla will not continue to adopt Gecko instead of Chromium is never for business but for the health of the Internet and online life It's to compete with Google to keep it. "
Mozilla sounded a warning saying "making Google more powerful than ever is dangerous in many ways" and said, "What happened when Microsoft monopolized with a web browser in the early 2000s before Firefox was released It may happen again, "he said.
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in Software, Posted by log1i_yk