AI is beginning to get more creativity than human beings anymore

by Andreas Kontokanis
Artificial intelligence (AI), once used only by some computer scientists and programmers, is now familiar to everyday life, such as being easily accessible from smartphones and speakers. Meanwhile, Yuval Noah Harari , a lifetime employment professor at the University of Hebrew University, said in a column titled "Why Technology Favors Tyranny" "The ingenuity of human beings, which was a human-specific skill, It is getting something of useless, soon there will be unnecessary people, "he says.
Yuval Noah Harari on Why Technology Favors Tyranny - The Atlantic
IBM's computer DeepBlue broke Garry Kasparov, then chess world champion at the time, in 1997, but chess players continue to be born after that. AI was used to train talented people, and it was said that teams composed of humans and computers are superior to computers alone.

by Pedro Villavicencio
However, on December 6, 2017, the fact that DephaMind 's AlphaZero won the Stockfish called the world's strongest chess program has become a major branch point.
The world's strongest go AI · AlphaGo evolved to "AlphaZero" where you can learn any board game - GIGAZINE

Stockfish has evolved into the world's strongest program by setting up data of chess matches which have been done so far by humans. On the other hand, AlphaZero does not need to input chess strategy and data by humans, repeatedly fighting against "VS yourself", and devised its own chess strategy by machine learning. AlphaZero has played 100 matches against Stockfish, but the result was 28 wins, 0s, and 72 draws, and there was no game lost in any game.
It is said that AlphaZero started learning chess from scratch, and the time spent preparing for a match with Stockfish is about 4 hours . Over the centuries, chess was thought of as one of the glory of human intelligence, but AlphaZero is not guided by humans at all, in a matter of four hours it is completely ignorant to creative mastery I arrived.
Not only AlphaZero is a creative software, there are many chess programs other than AlphaZero that can devise a creative one. In recent years, even in Japan, " soft pointing " centered on net shogi is a problem, but players who cheat using the program are also a problem in chess world as well. As a means of distinguishing this, it seems that there is a method of monitoring how much one player selected by the player is ingenious. In other words, at least in the world of chess, Mr. Harari points out that originality is no longer replaced by humans, but by computers.

What is happening in the chess world can happen in police, medical, banking and many other fields. For example, in the case of driving a car, human beings can not respond to changes in the traffic rules on the driving road, so they repeat the violation. However, AI grasps all the traffic rules instantaneously, so it will not mistake driving carelessly. Even if vehicles seem to collide at intersections, they process with algorithms, so the possibility of conflicting communication mistakes is much smaller than that of human beings.
Also, even if the World Health Organization (WHO) discovers new diseases or produces new medicines at the laboratory, it will take a considerable amount of time for human medical doctors worldwide to update knowledge However, if it is AI, the update will end in a moment. In fact, AI has already advanced into the medical field, and Google is developing a model that predicts the health condition of patients from data of electronic medical record. Mr. Harari insists that AI is superior to humans in terms of "sustainability" and "updatability", and it is reasonable to replace human beings with AI even in the medical world.
Google develops technology to predict "what next will happen" to the patient who visited the hospital - GIGAZINE

As in the 20th century a large-scale educational system for children was established, in the 21st century, a system to re-educate adults to a large extent so that we can respond to the rapidly changing world by the appearance of AI It is necessary to establish, Mr. Harari said. However, changes to human beings can always be stressful. AI who gained "originality" in addition to "sustainability" and "updatability" has become popular as a substitute for human beings, not only the unemployment problem due to the shortage of employment but also exhaustion to acquire new skills, Mr. Harari predicts that people who are affixed with a label of "useless" will be created without being able to keep up with the fluctuations of the world.
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