Six scientific countermeasures for people saying 'I do not want a hangover but can not stop drinking'

The most reliable way of not being a hangover is to say "I do not drink", but adults should have something to drink even if they say so. That 's why Popular Science lists the six tips to avoid hangover.
6 tricks that might keep you from getting a hangover | Popular Science
In fact, despite research being done over the past years, the cause of a hangover is not scientifically clear. The most likely thing is the combination of "dehydration" and "chemical substances left by alcohol metabolism" and "punishment", but in any case to "treat" the matter whose cause has not been elucidated It Is difficult. In 2005, as a result of analyzing eight studies, it is announced that "There are no substances proved to be effective for the prevention or treatment of hangover."
However, even if it can not be said that there is a 100% effect, there is a "countermeasure for scientific hangover" which has some scientific evidence. The six methods shown by Popular Science are as follows.
◆ 1: eat asparagus

by Aphiwat chuangchoem
In a study published in 2009, it was shown that amino acids and minerals contained in asparagus are effective in protecting liver cells from toxins. It is important to note that this research is not actually made of human beings as subjects, but based on experiments carried out on cells, attention is required. However, if you eat asparagus before drinking in the evening, you can ingest dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, so it seems to have a good overall health as well.
◆ 2: Be careful about the type of alcohol

by Prem Pal Singh
Containers such as Conner are included in alcoholic drinks such as Bourbon. Since research results have been announced that it will cause a heavy hangover in 2013, one thing is not to drink distilled liquor.
◆ 3: Take plenty of vitamins

by dbreen
As Vitamin B helps the liver to degrade alcohol and repairs damaged nerves, Dr. Aaron Michelfelder of Loyola University Medical Center recommends to drink supplement called Vitamin B 100 Complex before drinking doing. Also, it is said that vitamin B is contained in eggs, fish, fruits as well.
◆ 4: Drink sprites

by Asael Peña Follow Message
Scientifically, ethanol is considered to be acetaldehyde when human body decomposes alcohol, then it is thought to turn into harmless acetate . In the Chinese study announced in 2013, it was shown that sprites among the 57 drinks activate the most acetaldehyde-degrading enzymes. It is not an experimental result for living animals, but drinking sprites can be one of the methods.
◆ 5: Use oxygen

by Nik MacMillan
Oxygen helps alcohol decomposition by the liver and decomposition of toxins thought to cause hangover. There seems to be alcohol in Korea which complains "I added oxygen".
◆ 6: Drink sports drinks

by Anastasiia Tarasova
Drinking a lot of alcohol increases the number of times you go to the toilet, but discharging urine may result in loss of electrolyte. It is recommended that sports drink is recommended over water for drinking between drinks.
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